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Some of Us.

Good morning. Positive thought for today, for me, for you: we all have our unique personalities, stories, experiences, and none are the same. Some people are drawn to us. Some are not. The possibilities are endless, mysterious at times, and ever-changing.

Some of us come together briefly -- perhaps for just a moment in passing.

Randomly, we may bump into each other at the store or while walking down the street. Words might be shared. Maybe not.

Some of us are extremely close, and we spend our lives navigating this bond.
Some of us are close, and then we're not close. Maybe we're close again. Maybe not. Or maybe we're close in a new way.

Some of us are acquaintances, saying a mere "hello" or yelling out a joke from afar. And it stays that way. Or sometimes, it changes.

Some of us are friends, partners, relatives, and the like, a part of something. We use these words to describe our bonds, but the words mean something different for each person.

There are countless people we will never meet.

Some of us have an unspoken soul connection.

Or maybe, what we sometimes don't realize is this: all of us have an unspoken soul connection.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell