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Saturday Sky

Perspective 2

Good morning. Positive thought for today, for me, for you: last night, I went to a place that I haven't visited in about 13 years. It was surreal. Everything was exactly the same.

But I sure wasn't.

Usually, I don't notice the changes inside of myself unless I look back. Often, I recognize the pattern of miracles later. But guess what that means?

Miracles are happening right now.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. I'm not trying to be an "artistic ghost," posting no photos of myself or anything like that, ha. This phone picks up color and shadows to the max, which is great for photography, but it alters my features, and I don't really like it, so most of the time, I just don't. Maybe I'll change my mind, but for now, I'd rather just take photos of what I see outside of me. Honestly, I prefer film when it comes to people. <3