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Bumpy Spots.

I was going to share a short story I recently wrote, but I wrote something new instead. It's kind of a dark story, haha, but I love it...will share soon. Some people like the dark, some don't. I do at times, I admit it. I find it weirdly fun. Anyway, here's a little blurb for ya. Hope you have a good day.

Bumpy Spots

Positive thought for today, for me, for you: when I'm changing in a large way, there are often "bumpy spots." Off and on, I'll hit a point when fear and loneliness roll in, and the "old me" races around in my head, wanting me to give up, go back, questioning everything, etc. Even though the old version of myself wasn't working, it's familiar, and it's in my nature as a human being to want to grab on to it.

Because unless I consciously make a different decision, I reach for the familiar. Don't we all? It's hard to make these changes, aye.

I felt a "bumpy spot" the past few days and this morning; I've been fearful, reminiscing about going backwards. Then just now, I read a few readings and coincidentally, each one was about pushing forward into the goal, reaching for the unknown, not giving up before the race was won, that kind of thing.

Among other things, I prefer to think of these surprise directions as God.

I grinned and remembered that I've been here before, and "bumpy spots" are part of the process. And the reason I don't fully entertain the idea of going backwards is because of this: deep inside, when I get quiet and listen to my heart, I fully believe that the forward path is one that is leading me toward more love and joy. Maybe it's an unfamiliar course and right now, everything seems strange and unfamiliar, but I do know that I need to keep pressing on.

And so, I pay attention to the wisdom of the Duke, John Wayne. "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."

Good morning. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell