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Positive thought for today, for me, for you: we've all been here, I suppose; there comes a time when it seems like everything has been stripped away, and the initial events that occurred were a surprise. We might think this: "Wait a minute! Hold on! Why is this happening!" As it unfolds, people and things that we leaned on begin disappearing one by one, until they are all gone. Perhaps it may seem startling, scary, or disruptive, this sudden time of empty.

I suppose, this morning, I could look at my life right now and see it this way. "What the hell, God! Nothingness. Great." I actually had those thoughts last night and this morning.

Or, if I have faith, a faith that enters my perspective and life in every way, I could see it this way...perhaps, instead, the universe is about to step in. Perhaps, if I wait and see, pressing forward, this will become a time of welcoming the new, a time of filling up.

Yesterday and today, I felt like I was in the middle of a see-saw, feeling both of these perspectives enter into me. Fear versus faith. When I hear the words of all of my past and present teachers whispering in my ear, I have the ability to change my perspective and reach toward the divine again. And just now, just as I'm writing to you, I am feeling myself lean toward the side of believing, believing that the goodness is coming. And the change is originating from within.

We have the ability to change and heal ourselves, the ability to turn it around. All it takes is reflection, and a willingness to jump into unfamiliar territory; herein rests a new me, a time of filling up. Herein rests God. Today, as a human being on a see-saw of positive versus negative, let me lean toward the light.

Good morning. Love to you. Can't wait to see you.
C.A. MacConnell