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Fall to Touch 2.


Good morning. Happy Valentine's Day! 👀😍😍💖💖💥🙏 I guess I could start celebrating holidays; I haven't done so in quite a long time. But I'm afraid to dip my toe in.

I think I'd end up going all out...dress up like Santa, have the biggest tree in the 'hood, schedule a blockwide Easter egg hunt, buy a heart-shaped tablecloth and 50 boxes of chocolates to pass out, make the best mashed potatoes and a cranberry dish that everyone actually loves, and on and on. I'd become so obsessed with holidays, that I'd be exhausted 24/7, trying to keep up with the calendar.

Hells yeah! All or nothing! Each holiday, I'll have to top the neighbors! I'll purchase an actual life-sized gingerbread house, and people will drive miles to see my light display. I can see it now! 

Back when I drank, I never really did drugs much, but I did smoke weed here and there; I never really liked it. But one time, I acted out on one of my childhood dreams, and I swallowed a bunch of hash brownies and then, I ate the entire roof of a gingerbread house. I mean, let's face it, those things look SOOOOOO good. They just sit there looking yummy, and it drove me wild as a kid. But let me tell you, there's a reason why people don't eat those things...they spray them with some kind of petrified goo. But I completed the mission, and I ate the roof. I thought, I'll show that house who's boss. Well, my teeth survived, although I'm surprised.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell