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When I See.

Good morning.

When I see kids looking for adventure and love, it fills my heart, and I think it's amazing and beautiful.

Because that's what I've been doing my whole life.

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. When I wake, I talk to God and sometimes, I share the thoughts. Hope you have a beautiful day. My books are on Amazon. I have four novels waiting for you. :) I created, wrote, edited, and designed them all; I even did the cover art. Entirely a solo effort on a budget of zero, ha. Impressive if you ask me. They are all quite unique, but all of them hold my slick style, as well as a mystery element...and all are intense and fast-paced. The characters are raw and real. Quite different from these nonfiction blog writings, but equally compelling. Touch/click above or any of the book covers on the right side of this page, and it'll send you to purchase info and descriptions. Thanks!

I have two more books that I'm chiseling away at...nonfiction works, and the first draft is done on both. In the editing stages. More soon! <3 I also have a third sucker, fiction, that I've begun. :) I always have something up my sleeve, ha. Just a taste of what's to come.