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Hawk, Sunrise.

One of my best. <3 Also my totem animal. Good morning. I hope you have a wonderful day. 

Lately, I've had many lessons in trusting myself. When I get quiet and allow the feelings to settle, I realize I already know what to do. :) Sometimes, I still need a cheerleader, but I lean into those who allow me the freedom to just talk it out and figure it out on my own, which is rad. A few select folks. Key.

Take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself today. Last night, I asked God for an intuitive thought, and I heard this:  "Just know that you are loved."

Hope you know that too. I feel a lot of love in my heart. Outsides might not always show it, for all of us. Things may be confusing, but when I get quiet, deeply, that feeling is always there...and that's one thing in my life that never changes. I hope to share that with you.

Lean in. Wait. Trust.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell