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Healing, and the Surprise.

I just read the suggestion that I'm a "continuous part of healing;" that is, a part of the whole world's healing. I liked the thought; it turns me into a part of some healing adventure, an inside adventure that radiates outward.

I've never grabbed on to the notion that the universe is a "puppeteer." I've never believed that I'm simply a figment of someone's controlling hand, no, but I do enjoy the idea of being "guided" into that which is good for me and in turn, helpful to others. And I do feel more relaxed when I relinquish control and simply let the winds carry me, so to speak. One has to do some work and take action to go forward, sure, but when I say, "let go," I mean, let go of expectations and results. Simply put, when I'm happy, when I'm willing to do that which feels right in my heart and leave the outcome to the universe, I'm better able to be helpful. And when I follow my heart and allow others to do the same, I believe that I'm letting go of results and showing love as well.

I enjoy musing about such things in the morning, but the focus changes all the time. I change all the time. Hopefully, my thoughts can be helpful to you. Today, I intend to see the magic in the small stuff and become a part of the world's healing, and perhaps I'll notice that which I normally wouldn't, because I admit that sometimes I'm too afraid or too blocked to see that which is good for me. 

And most of all, remember this important fact:  I have no idea. Ha. Truth. I can muse and write all day long about deep thoughts, but God sometimes throws me a surprise. Grinning just now.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell