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Photo, Intuitive Thought.

Photo by C.A. MacConnell

Intuitive Thought

Sometimes, it's nice to ask the universe for an intuitive thought. And often, I'll sense/hear something that is not in my usual line of thinking. Yesterday, I went to one of my secret places to get away. After some of my usual questioning, writing, musing, and such, I shut my eyes and listened. What did I hear? Something very simple:  It's going to be so much fun.

The message was so clear; it seemed like the trees were whispering to me, and all at once, I felt supported and alive. I smiled wide and trooped home, feeling a playful, confident spark.

It's going to be so much fun.

Chuckling just now, because I'm noticing my new, swifter way of working through things on my own, and I'm trusting myself in a deeper way, and I'd say that I'm even surprising myself. Powerful stuff. XO.

C.A. MacConnell