Perspective 3

Under the Semi 2

C.A. MacConnell
I heard something last night that struck me. For a long while, I've understood all of these notions, but the way it was said was helpful to me. I am paraphrasing here, but I'll do my best. Here goes...sure, as kids we are all victims of certain circumstances, and there is no fault in that. But if I'm aware of the pattern, that means that if I jump in now, I'm no longer a victim; I'm a volunteer. There are two primary emotions: fear and love. If it's not love, it's fear. Even if a person is feeling anger, it's driven by fear. And fear is a lie. So, if I'm not feeling love, or if I'm not participating in a loving situation, what is the lie? Not in terms of the other person's actions but rather, regarding my own emotions, engagements, and responses -- what is the fear hidden behind the feelings? What is really pushing me to feel and stay afraid?
It helped me understand fear better. What is the heart of this? What is the untruth lurking beneath all of these feelings? What story was I told growing up that is not true, some falsehood that entered my brain because of others' actions, words, etc. For me, it's this: why is it that I feel defective? Unlovable? Because I was sent this message repeatedly as a child and now, as an adult, I put myself in situations that recreate it.
But the awareness of it changes things up, making it easier for me to navigate and understand my patterns, which helps with relationships. Not perfect, but it helps me to become more flexible, more understanding, more compassionate, and better with boundaries. Not disappearing, but learning boundaries, and there's a huge difference. I'm learning how to reflect inward, wait, lean in, and become more peaceful.
I don't have to be invisible. I can embrace the new idea of becoming a wise, but loving participant.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
P.S. Ha, in some ways it's easier to run around with no awareness, I know. But God is pushing me to grow, and I've found that there's no going back. Hope you have a beautiful day. XO. Hopefully my ramblings are helpful. Maybe I'll see you out and about.
Hello. I figure, we're all just people running around looking for adventure and love. A bunch of kids with different bodies and faces. Sure, we play unique roles, and we all have various awesome talents and such, but we're all just kids.
Sometimes, I dream that Ron Howard will read and take on my book, Griffin Farm. Once, I sent him a FB message about it, because it's along the lines of one of his films, and I know he loves a great story, especially an epic adventure.
Another time, I sent a message to Jonah Hill about my second novel, The House of Anchor, because he did a film about skaters that I really liked, and I thought he might dig The Anchor, which is chock full of skaters; but it may be better as a Netflix series, with all of the possible side plots. I'd like to see Hill involved...he has a real passion for the 90s stuff, like me. But maybe he would disagree, who knows, ha.
Honestly, I think numerous folks would be interested in Strange Skin and The Hole. They're almost written directly for the screen. I'm extremely visual when I write, and I specialize in dialogue; it'd be an easy switch. In this day and age, directors would love The Hole, because audiences seem to like thrillers. I definitely see that one as a film; it would be fantastic.
If I were a director, which would I choose? Strange Skin. It's the least complicated, and it's a heart warmer, and it would be the least expensive to make. I also miss stories about teenagers, adventures, and relationships...there were a slew of great ones in the 80s and 90s, although Netflix has grabbed onto it with shows like Outer Banks and such. I adore such shows. Strange Skin would fit right in there. Plus, it's family friendly.
As an author, which one do I most want to see come alive through the camera? I want to see three, fantastic, young actors portray Lucas, Joanna, and Zion. If you want to know which book that is, you'll have to read them! Ha.
If you're interested in my novels, here they are.
Just musing and dreaming this afternoon. But as I've gotten older, I'm much more interested in directly connecting with people and staying in the moment. If great success rolled in, I'd be stoked to see the creativity of it all, for sure, and that would be exciting! But I'm not focused on results like I used to be. I'm more interested in creating in the moment, and the process. And I'm more interested in the small details of life, the curious nature of patterns, and the mystery of it all.
What would be my biggest dream? To rock on a porch swing and hold hands with someone who I truly cherish. To talk and laugh and share a life. To enjoy and celebrate another human being and not give two shits about exteriors but rather, love fully and deeply with passion and magic. Seriously, that would make my heart sing more than any movie. I have very little experience with that, but I've had countless daydreams about it since I was a little girl, and if the opportunity presented itself, I'd sure love to try.
But today, I had the thought that I'm OK with myself, just how I am, right here, right now. And that's incredible. I've worked extremely hard to have such thoughts. It has sure taken a lot of work and digging, and my books have been a huge part of that. But maybe one day, I'll be on that porch swing, and I'll look back at this blog entry and say, Hell yeah! It's happening. My characters are alive. And that would be fun!
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Sometimes, it's nice to ask the universe for an intuitive thought. And often, I'll sense/hear something that is not in my usual line of thinking. Yesterday, I went to one of my secret places to get away. After some of my usual questioning, writing, musing, and such, I shut my eyes and listened. What did I hear? Something very simple: It's going to be so much fun.
The message was so clear; it seemed like the trees were whispering to me, and all at once, I felt supported and alive. I smiled wide and trooped home, feeling a playful, confident spark.
It's going to be so much fun.
Chuckling just now, because I'm noticing my new, swifter way of working through things on my own, and I'm trusting myself in a deeper way, and I'd say that I'm even surprising myself. Powerful stuff. XO.
C.A. MacConnell
I just read the suggestion that I'm a "continuous part of healing;" that is, a part of the whole world's healing. I liked the thought; it turns me into a part of some healing adventure, an inside adventure that radiates outward.
I've never grabbed on to the notion that the universe is a "puppeteer." I've never believed that I'm simply a figment of someone's controlling hand, no, but I do enjoy the idea of being "guided" into that which is good for me and in turn, helpful to others. And I do feel more relaxed when I relinquish control and simply let the winds carry me, so to speak. One has to do some work and take action to go forward, sure, but when I say, "let go," I mean, let go of expectations and results. Simply put, when I'm happy, when I'm willing to do that which feels right in my heart and leave the outcome to the universe, I'm better able to be helpful. And when I follow my heart and allow others to do the same, I believe that I'm letting go of results and showing love as well.
I enjoy musing about such things in the morning, but the focus changes all the time. I change all the time. Hopefully, my thoughts can be helpful to you. Today, I intend to see the magic in the small stuff and become a part of the world's healing, and perhaps I'll notice that which I normally wouldn't, because I admit that sometimes I'm too afraid or too blocked to see that which is good for me.
And most of all, remember this important fact: I have no idea. Ha. Truth. I can muse and write all day long about deep thoughts, but God sometimes throws me a surprise. Grinning just now.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Howdy, welcome. I'm an author/photographer with a master's degree in English and Creative Writing from Hollins University.
Four Published Novels: Amazon Author Page. Descriptions, reviews, purchase info. Or, simply touch/click any of the book covers on the right side of this page.
Facebook Page: C.A. MacConnell. Send me a message about my art!
Official Bio: here. Email/contact info, my creative background.