Hey, good morning. Just a photo from the past that I came across, and I rather liked it. An old heart-close friend.
Working on getting book five out there for you. It's finished, but I'm going the traditional route, querying agents and such, and that takes patience and hard work as well, but I've done it all before and so, I'm accustomed to the wild ride. Indeed, it is a wild ride. Actually, I wrote an entirely new book, replacing the old book five. It's nonfiction as well. I've had quite a bit of interest; we shall see what rolls out next. As of now, I'm still in the process.
Grateful to be generating more followers in person, on here, and on my FB page. If you haven't been there yet, come on over! "C.A. MacConnell" is my FB author page. Not hard to find. Would love to have you join me on my artistic journey.
Please check out my four novels on Amazon. Or you can simply click on the book covers on the right side of this page. Presto, it'll lead you to descriptions of each one. All are available to purchase -- paperback or Kindle. Paperback is better. :) If you've read them, please leave a review. Thanks to those who already have!
Life has been a cantankerous opponent; however, I'm fiercely developing a new strength that I didn't know I even had. Also, I'm learning to turn inward and trust my higher power even more. Like a child, sometimes I balk at the change but then, I settle into the new version of myself. Back and forth, it seems. Large change and growth seem to roll out messily at times, but I've got a parachute.
Hope to see you when I'm out and about. Praying that you have all the things that I want. Praying for your peace and happiness. Because we're in this together, and everything is circular. And deep in my heart, I feel that God is getting me ready for something.
Seems to me that we're all trooping around, letting go of old shit, learning how to play again, uncovering that which we had when we were born, trying to get back to the beginning, when there were no outside influences. At our first cry, we all naturally understood the source of peace and love.
Remember to laugh today. Know that I'm steadily pulling for you, and for me.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Grateful to be generating more followers in person, on here, and on my FB page. If you haven't been there yet, come on over! "C.A. MacConnell" is my FB author page. Not hard to find. Would love to have you join me on my artistic journey.
Please check out my four novels on Amazon. Or you can simply click on the book covers on the right side of this page. Presto, it'll lead you to descriptions of each one. All are available to purchase -- paperback or Kindle. Paperback is better. :) If you've read them, please leave a review. Thanks to those who already have!
Life has been a cantankerous opponent; however, I'm fiercely developing a new strength that I didn't know I even had. Also, I'm learning to turn inward and trust my higher power even more. Like a child, sometimes I balk at the change but then, I settle into the new version of myself. Back and forth, it seems. Large change and growth seem to roll out messily at times, but I've got a parachute.
Hope to see you when I'm out and about. Praying that you have all the things that I want. Praying for your peace and happiness. Because we're in this together, and everything is circular. And deep in my heart, I feel that God is getting me ready for something.
Seems to me that we're all trooping around, letting go of old shit, learning how to play again, uncovering that which we had when we were born, trying to get back to the beginning, when there were no outside influences. At our first cry, we all naturally understood the source of peace and love.
Remember to laugh today. Know that I'm steadily pulling for you, and for me.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell