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KHP 1.


This shot, well, this is what I open my computer to every day. :) A shot I took at the Kentucky Horse Park when I recently visited the land. Growing up, I spent a lot of time there, although it almost feels like another life now. I had great successes there. I had some defeats too, ha. I had laughs, tears, time with friends, time alone staring out at the fields. I had a lot of anxiety there, and I also had times of peace. I worked hard. I played hard. I experienced the whole gamut here. I also got into some trouble, for sure.

Life, memories, feelings, all wrapped up in one shot.

But when I look at it now, I focus on the peace that fills me when I stare out at horses in a field, horses grazing in the wild. In the past and now, this feeling of peace always enters into my heart when I gaze out at a field. Very calming. It has always struck me. Staring out at the sky or a large body of water makes me feel the same way.

Just sharing something from my life today.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell