I tend to befriend the wild, free, rulebreakers. They're often late, unresponsive, or they disappear for stretches of time, but our time together is priceless. I've noticed that I seek it out; I suppose that's because I have a piece of this "distance" inside of me as well. Ha, it is what it is. I love it, though, and I've become accustomed to it. My friend Amber's like that. She's on her way out...of this world anyhow. I visited her last night. We knew each other throughout childhood and then, our friendship circled back later in life. When we came together later, it was as if no time had passed at all. Awesome. Laughing, getting deep, the whole gamut. People like her know how to dig deep, and they know how to play hard. People like her don't hold back. Grinning as I write this.
I love the wild.
I love the wild.
C.A. MacConnell