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Happy Easter? No, Fourth. Hm.


Good morning. I don't have a bunny photo, and I won't comment on all of my historical ideas on the spiritual nature of the day, because it would take me all day, and everyone would be bored, amused, or horrified, and I have to work, but I love this photo.

This guy rocks.

So why not celebrate the Fourth of July today? Besides, he makes me happy. Hope the shot makes you smile as well, and I hope you have a good day today.

Last night, by chance, I found a fun club, and I loved the DJ, so I danced pretty hard for a bit. I got her info. I sure didn't fit in but then again, I don't think I ever fit in, so at this point, I don't really care at all.

Maybe my style will start trending. I'm waiting. Basically, sweats and/or pajamas that are twenty years old, but new shoes, b/c feet are important. And they're bigger now. 

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell