C.A. MacConnell
Good morning.
I'm afraid.
I think I'll try to figure this out.
Hm, that has never worked.
I guess I haven't mastered everything. I guess I'm a human being.
That sucks, but OK.
Yesterday, I was way too intense.
I prayed, and I listened to some music, asking God to help me regroup.
Then I dialed it down ten notches, and I started to crack up.
That was a winning idea.
Now, about this fear. I can't possibly turn this fear around in the same way, can I?
Hm, I've been afraid before, and it hasn't killed me.
Last night, at first, I tossed and turned. Again, I thought I should figure out my fear. My mind started to race more. Again, that didn't work. Then I took a deep breath and said out loud, "Hey, God, it's you and me now. Please take away my fear and show me what to do."
And I meant it.
And I slept like a baby.
Makes sense. Like everyone else, deep down, I'm simply a child looking for comfort.
Whether it comes from the heart or the sky, something or someone, both inside and out, hears us.
Then I woke up, dialed it down ten notches, and I started to crack up.
That was a winning idea.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
P.S. I've been changing up where I reach out quite a bit. I added a women's group, meditation groups, more comedy, and other new things. I've found that I need to shake up my schedule in order to gain new perspectives and put myself in a place of learning & questioning. Also, it helps to distract myself from old, negative thinking, fear, and the like. Distraction or taking action aimed at a positive future works better than focusing on the old. Perhaps this will help you. Hope you have a good day!
A note: all of my photos and writings are copyrighted material, as it states in my bio, on the bottom of this page, and in my introduction. All photos and writings are the sole property of the author, C.A. MacConnell, and all are both copyrighted and timestamped through this site, on social media, and on my hard drive, as well as in various other ways, legally binding.
If anyone uses these writings and photos without permission in any way, there will be legal consequences.
C.A. MacConnell
Something I just wrote on the fly, just now...C.A.
Brown eyes, narrow
jaw, blond hair, sunken
or full cheeks. Black
twisties. Makeup,
trucker hats, cartoon
sweats, no. Blurry --
all of them -- the faces,
the features. Furious,
I am, at the zigzag
part. Sideways, middle,
anything else. Please,
once. When I look
close, let me focus.
Let me see the contrail
coming from your comb.
C.A. MacConnell
Just a note to tell you that Book Five is really turning out fantastic. It's a nonfiction work, my first book-length nonfiction piece.
I think you'll really like it.
Working hard, behind the scenes.
Stay tuned!
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Hi there. I went through a really dark spot last week all the way through this morning. And then, today, I stretched out on the floor, and I meditated, and something came to me with a force. Honestly, it felt like a miracle, and it really turned me around.
See, currently, I'm working on BOOK FIVE, and it will indeed be nonfiction, but I've completely changed course; it's going to be uplifting and fantastic. You see, I had to move through all of the darkness in order to find my way to the light. I won't lie; this journey has really sucked, and I told God today that I'm annoyed, and I'm tired as all hell, but I see the right thing to do now.
A new mission has entered me, and my focus is now this: forget my former agenda. How can I best help everyone involved? Every single reader. How can I send people love and light? Not some, everyone. And I began to tear apart what I was doing and create something new.
That's just a taste, but I think you'll be quite surprised at the result. Right now, I'm just moving things around and getting everything in order. Shouldn't take me long at all. I move fast once I've decided on something, ha. And I never give up. Truth.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell