You can find my four novels here.
I have a whole file of sky shots. This is one of my favorites, taken about a year ago.
Lighten up, chipmunk. It'll all work out, and it's going to be an amazing surprise. Words that just came to me. One moment at a time sometimes. But I had the chance to be really helpful to two women yesterday. And maybe more. So that's rad. It's in my nature to be open. Sure, I have a filter, and I'm smart about it, and I know when to steer clear, but I'm very transparent most of the time. Sometimes, it scares people. But a great strength exists within vulnerability...that's the irony of it all. I used to worry about it, worry about judgment and the like...anymore, I just try to celebrate who I am and see who circles around me.
Lighten up, chipmunk. It'll all work out, and it's going to be an amazing surprise. Words that just came to me. One moment at a time sometimes. But I had the chance to be really helpful to two women yesterday. And maybe more. So that's rad. It's in my nature to be open. Sure, I have a filter, and I'm smart about it, and I know when to steer clear, but I'm very transparent most of the time. Sometimes, it scares people. But a great strength exists within vulnerability...that's the irony of it all. I used to worry about it, worry about judgment and the like...anymore, I just try to celebrate who I am and see who circles around me.
We're all just running around trying to figure out this thing called "life." But this morning, I celebrate life itself -- the opportunity to be here and experience laughter, play, and love, like I did when I was little. Everything has changed, but not much has changed. I don't know what's right or absolute, but I do know one thing -- I never go wrong when I try and help with strength and grace, through my experience. And I never go wrong when I am true to myself but also, show kindness, compassion, and gentle love toward another human being...and that can come across in many ways...sometimes lean in...other times, let them be. Depends.
All I know is that I keep trying to come from my heart and each day, I'm chipping away at the things that block me from this true center. Cool! Remember to laugh today.
Everything has changed, but not much has changed. ;) What a ride.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell