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The Freedom is Key

Right now, I'm grateful for the tools I've learned from so many great the classroom, and in all of life. Lately, I've been harnessing all of these thoughts and really putting them into practice throughout my days. I have two key spiritual advisers who tend to ask questions rather than "tell me what to do." They allow me the freedom to feel, and they don't try to fix me. This is tough as hell sometimes (grinning here), but it allows me to see, in fact, that which I already know. The freedom is key. Right now, no holding back, feeling however whenever, I'm embracing the grey area, so to speak, quite a bit more. And I'm keeping this idea of "freedom" in mind whenever I'm around others, in all of my relationships; that is, I aim to respect the person for who they are, for their unique journey.

Action, compassion, freedom. Those three words explain love best to me right now. The whole "live and let live" mentality. Experiencing it every day. And learning how to recognize when my mind starts racing, or I sink too low...experiencing the ability to turn it around in real time. Hard stuff, but amazing changes, nonetheless.

Trust yourself. Slow it down. Two of my favorite sayings that have been passed on to me.

This isn't a formal essay. Just my afternoon thoughts, on the fly, in the moment. Maybe this will help someone. XO. Freedom, action, compassion. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell