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Piece of God

What if, each moment, I saw everything and everyone around me as a piece of God?

The shaky trees, the woman searching for blueberries, the full clouds, Cliff's jokes, an aisle moment with Robert, a hug from Krista, the silence, a ridiculous mailbox, a full bred labrador with saucer-eyes, a yellow mansion, a grey ranch, Chanell's tan hat, a Cadillac SUV, a souped-up Hyundai, a high five, a graveyard, a bike trail, a dark horse, laughs with Shawntell, a handshake with Vince -- what if all of these happenings were a piece of God? Not some...but rather, all.

What if I allowed myself to gently fall into the flow of things and simply be a part of the wonder of life?

What if my perspective remained here without any affirmation? Although in my heart, suddenly and miraculously, I will surely see the hint of proof suddenly appear from time to time.

What if I allowed this perspective to fully take hold? Not sometimes...but rather, all of the time. What if I lived this out fully? 


Love to you,

C.A. MacConnell