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In the Flow

Yesterday, heading out to do deliveries, I felt “in the flow” of things. I thought, “God, in work today, lead me where I need to go to help people. It's not about money; it never is.” And so, instead of my usual routine, I journeyed to different areas, and as the day rolled out, I found myself connecting with people in such a real way -- strangers, people I knew, you name it.

On one delivery, a girl told me her father was diagnosed with cancer, and I was there to give her a hug at just the right moment. Another job sent me to a day care. There, while the rest of the kids were playing wildly, one little girl stood still, intently gazing at me, as if looking for direction. I said, “Well, aren’t you beautiful.” First, a look of shock. Then, her smile. The smile of all smiles. She needed to hear it, I could tell. Throughout the day, I helped people find obscure items. I helped a woman unload bags into her car. On and on, as I looked around, I tried to stay in the flow of things, to be a source of goodness.

Then, for an hour or so, I fell back into focusing on myself. I felt rushed, scared, lost, and sore. I noticed that I lost the positive energy, and I reminded myself to “slow it down,” took a break, and got back with the flow, or “into God,” as some would say.

Peace reentered the picture and again, over the hours, I felt more like a “messenger” of goodness. I didn't feel my physical pain as much. And I forgot about the cash flow. Simply, I just rolled with the day, and I made enough money without thinking about it.

When I change the focus, when I'm in the flow of all that's good, it all works out, and I can be an angel of sorts to others. Why is it that I forget? I'm a human being, and I often veer toward thoughts of the self. Sometimes I have to be reminded of this: we are all capable of being angels. We are in this together. Right here, right now.

And maybe, as I write to you, I can continue to remember why I'm here. And maybe today, I won't lose track. Maybe I'll stay right "in the pocket," as my friend Jay would say. When I told him I stole his saying, he said, "Each one, teach one." I stole that one too.

Each one, teach one. Stay in the flow of goodness. Well, aren't you beautiful.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell