I just came across this little one...I rather like it. You ever feel like the universe presents you with stairs/hurdles...one at a time? I do. And I suppose my perspective has a lot to do with it. Recently, I've taken huge leaps and enormous risks...and so, every day has been unique, challenging, joyful, horrible, awesome, hilarious, you name it. Now I know the difference between "studying" a spiritual text versus actually deeply jumping in and living it. I jumped in. I really jumped. Not perfect, let me tell you, but here I am. At some point, I'll be able to write about all of this mess in detail. I dove into it a little two days ago in that essay I posted below, right here on this site. Just a little, aye.
For now...perhaps a teddy bear.
Hope you had a beautiful day! Hope your journey is helping you grow closer to light, compassion, kindness, and love. That's what I envision for myself, anyhow. :) XO Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
For now...perhaps a teddy bear.
Hope you had a beautiful day! Hope your journey is helping you grow closer to light, compassion, kindness, and love. That's what I envision for myself, anyhow. :) XO Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell