Good morning. Just sharing one that makes me smile. Film shot. :) Hope you have a great day!
C.A. MacConnell
Something that just popped into my head:
Prayer for Self
Good morning.
I love you.
I am beautiful in every way, just how I am.
I'd like to get to know myself more,
even after all of these years,
because today is new,
and so am I.
How does that sound?
Smile. I am courageous.
But remember to be gentle.
Wonder what magic I'll come across today.
Let the God inside of me be awake.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
C.A. MacConnell
P.S. Sometimes, I can really hear the spirit speaking to me in the morning, and I share it randomly. I've had a few interviews; wish me luck. :) XO. <3 to you, C.A.
Sometimes, there's a point in life when I feel this: hm, this is uncharted territory. Not sure what I'm doing, where I'm going, or what's going to happen. Exactly. From time to time, I've noticed this underlying sense of powerlessness, but it has been stronger in the past few years.
Building up to this, there's usually a mountain of fear that comes along with it. And the fear shows up in various ways. Fear can be so powerful that it can block me from even seeing something incredible, something good -- a gift, an opportunity, and the like. I like to call fear a "thief of happiness."
Many times, in the past, because of this thread of doubt, this wall of anxiety, this fear of the unknown, I chose to stay where I was; that is, I may have changed jobs but then, I'd grab on to a similar job and so, there was really no change. Years back, I may have changed relationships, but then I jumped into a similar relationship -- whether it be with friends, partners, spiritual advisers, or whatever the case. I suppose the fear, and the blockage, was ingrained in me as a way to "protect myself" -- it was old information from my upbringing and experience, and I was unable to break through all of those false messages that I believe chip away at people in general, and they sound like this: no matter how hard you work, you're not good enough, you're alone, you're defective, your story should be silenced, you're not important, and most of all, you're unlovable. And in my case, and in the case for many people, these messages have surely become darker.
But now, I've noticed that when I come to this point of powerlessness, I'm choosing differently, and I'm not allowing old fears and old "tapes in my head" to rule the game. I'm feeling it. Lord knows I'm feeling it, but I'm going forward anyhow. In this process, I've noticed that everything in my life is changing and shifting, and it's extremely uncomfortable at the moment, but I'm already beginning to see the differences. And I'm starting to hear and believe different suggestions, such as this: you are talented, be gentle with yourself, you have worked hard, you are beautiful, who cares what people think, be gentle with yourself, your story is important, you deserve to be happy, you are surrounded by people who love you.
I like these new thoughts. Indeed, it is uncharted territory, but it is better. Last night, I noticed that I was hugging a number of different folks -- people I knew, people I barely knew. I felt a new sense of openness and love creeping in, and I wanted to share it.
We need each other, indeed. We are in this together. And regardless of what your mind and body are telling you, remember this: you, like me, are unique, powerful, important, beautiful, and lovable.
C.A. MacConnell
Right now, I'm grateful for the tools I've learned from so many great teachers...in the classroom, and in all of life. Lately, I've been harnessing all of these thoughts and really putting them into practice throughout my days. I have two key spiritual advisers who tend to ask questions rather than "tell me what to do." They allow me the freedom to feel, and they don't try to fix me. This is tough as hell sometimes (grinning here), but it allows me to see, in fact, that which I already know. The freedom is key. Right now, no holding back, feeling however whenever, I'm embracing the grey area, so to speak, quite a bit more. And I'm keeping this idea of "freedom" in mind whenever I'm around others, in all of my relationships; that is, I aim to respect the person for who they are, for their unique journey.
Action, compassion, freedom. Those three words explain love best to me right now. The whole "live and let live" mentality. Experiencing it every day. And learning how to recognize when my mind starts racing, or I sink too low...experiencing the ability to turn it around in real time. Hard stuff, but amazing changes, nonetheless.
Ironically, "going forward" in life can look awfully strange. There can be a lot of this: fear, tears, anger, uncertainty, and grief for the old self. One would think that "going forward" would equal an immediate sense of sureness and self-esteem, or one might assume that a person would "look good." For me, when it's a big leap, and numerous changes occur, it's more of a long process of tumultuous feelings, random and unexpected; it's not merely one celebration or event.
Sometimes, I look messy. Days can be strikingly different, one to the next. And there are crucial days when I seem to really feel the pull of the past, and I doubt my moves, and everything in my whole being seems to want to return.
But this feeling -- wanting to return -- gnaws at my whole being because it's familiar. Even though it doesn't work anymore, it's familiar. What's unfamiliar and scary? The new version of myself. But in my heart, I know that's where I really want to go. So, when I push through one of those really tough days, one of those days when I feel the hardest pull to give up, when I move forward anyhow, in spite of the difficulties, pain, confusion, strangeness, and fear of the unknown, that's when I see the true strength of my character.
Because my whole being might feel frozen, but I take a step forward anyhow. And that's huge.
And also, that's a sign of hard, internal work over many years. And when I make this decision to move forward despite the pull of numerous fears, I know I'm winning; that is, I'm letting go of my old self and moving onward and upward, heading toward becoming someone stronger, allowing the change. Some say it in words such as this: "letting go of my will and moving toward what God wants me to be." There are many ways to describe it, I suppose.
Everything matters in this process -- nature, professional help, group meetings. friends, movement, hugs, compassion, cheerleaders, and sometimes, just patience. Everything matters.
Just yesterday, I had one of those days when my old self was really screaming out, trying to "take me back," so to speak. I felt all of the feelings, but I know the old ways don't work for me anymore. So, I simply felt the feelings, allowed myself some time, and didn't act on it. I'd call that another miracle.
Because I'm moving toward happiness, abundance, kindness, compassion, and love. I am at a critical point in my life. I'm at a place when it would be easy to regress and fall back into old ways, but I'm choosing not to, and it's tough as hell, but I know it'll be worth it if I keep on relying on that deep, inner voice that I consider a large part of what I view as God.
When everything is stripped away (and truly, everything has been stripped away), I can clearly hear that voice, and I grow closer to my spirituality. And when I show up and let people in on who I really am, that draws people closer to me as well.
This morning, I'm still making a decision to go forward, despite a tough day yesterday. Actually, a tough week. And each time I feel horribly uncomfortable and make such new decisions anyway, I begin to change.
Oftentimes, in the aftermath of hard weeks, days, or moments, when I choose to press on, it feels like I'm sipping in strength.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell