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The Foot

Just something I busted out on social media right now...perhaps it'll help someone. :) C.A.

The Foot

Good morning. Positive thought for today, for me, for you... Not long ago, from overwork and stress and such, among other problems, I had some inflammation on the bone on the front of my foot. I worked anyway, and I was hurting, and I was frightened about the upcoming doctor's appointment. Anyway, I was heading to get a grocery cart, when a man stumbled up next to me...I looked over, and the man smiled, but I could see that he was having trouble walking as well. So, I pulled out a cart for him. Immediately, he smiled wide, grabbed my hand, and kissed it. In that moment, I felt a rush of love, and right then and there, in the store, I stared into his eyes, looked deeply at this stranger, and cried...I'll get back to this, hang on...

Later, the doctor told me that he was glad I came, because my problem could cause a fracture, but I ended up getting insoles that are the opposite of most insoles...and I'll be needing new shoes...turns out, in a world of insoles, as usual, my body is unique and stubborn as all hell.

Anyway, this morning, I"m thinking of the stranger in the store, the man who could barely walk, and I know that insoles will not solve his problem. Believe me, I'm not a fan of thinking that I should be grateful due to others' misery, no, not at all. I believe that all of our experiences are important, and all of our trials deserve love and care. So, no, I'm not making a statement about "well, it could be worse." Actually, my take on this experience and this man's touch is this:  remember, no matter what, we're not alone.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell C. 2023