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This week has been one of the most difficult ones that I've experienced in a long time, chock full of grief, panic, emotional, and physical pain, but I literally walked right through it, and I'm still processing but yesterday, I opened the blinds, peered out the window, and I noticed that there was a formation of branches that looked like a woman singing. Next to her, there was a formation of branches that looked like a man on his side. He appeared to be holding her, his arms wrapped around her. It was the sweetest little vision I’ve seen in a long time, and it honestly comforted me in a time of distress. I began to feel a spark of hope, hope that I knew would roll in at some point, because I've been through such battles before. Nothing quite like this, but similar hardships.

Today, the branches are still there, and they are still beautifully placed in that loving way. Right now, as I type, I'm glancing over at the image.

And I am here, and I feel alive.

And although I'm still wading through some deep grief, I feel a newfound strength. I'm thinking about all of the people I’ve known who never had the chance to use their voices – people that have passed due to emotional pain, neglect, abuse, and the like, countless people who (for whatever reason) never had the chance I have right now, the chance to tell the truth, the chance to break the silence. And I'm thinking about how I can be a voice for all of them.

I am far from alone.

You see, this morning, on the way to the foot doctor, a hawk flew right in front of my car, and I had the awakening that all of them, all of these angels in heaven, or whatever you want to call people who have passed on, all of them are behind me. Suddenly, I felt the presence of a great support, a vast, spiritual hug, if you will.

As difficult as these past two years have been, with all of the grief involved, now I know this:  there is no question in my mind what I am here to do. Because this is war, and I'm here to write and fight for all of us.

And so, I have been for 26 years. And so, I will continue to do so.

Stay tuned,

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. Of course, I need to tear into a Complete Cookie first. 🔥