Happy New Year!
C.A. MacConnell
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Pipe Dream
Something I just busted out on social media. I rather liked it...so I'm reposting it here.
Pipe Dream
You see, suddenly, four guys appeared, quietly setting up. They seemed to be around 17, and they all wore tattered clothes -- not store bought, no, but rather, the kind that were worn from life. When they were ready, the singer simply said, "We're Pipe Dream," and they started playing. I listened. My eyes widened. It was the best drummer I had ever heard in my entire life -- a tiny kid, hiding out in the back, playing his heart out like a monster. Then they finished and left, disappearing into the night, and I never saw any of them again. Right after that, my band won a contest and some recording time.
Moral of the story: some visions may seem like a "pipe dream," and life may present setbacks, but if I keep focusing on the good and doing the work, the "pipe dream" suddenly materializes and becomes reality.
Because somewhere, right now, some kid quietly wakes up and realizes a little secret -- maybe he never made it through high school, but without a doubt, he's the best drummer in the world.
C.A. MacConnell
Kylin, Horse.
Good morning. Photo on film. I loved this apartment, and this cat, for sure. There were two apartments I've loved...one was in VA, one here, but both were short-lived. Both were in walking distance of an artsy movie theater and natural food store. :) I've never had a house, but it's always been a secret dream of mine. I'd love a new place, a brighter one, even a studio, but honestly, I'm extremely lucky to be where I am for various reasons. I remember that every single day, because I've lived in some pretty horrible places, let me tell you. I love older buildings with oval windows and such. I've never had much furniture, so I don't care about that. Usually, what I care about are such things as the light and the feel.
I adore places that have a history about them...places that feel like they have stories to tell. :)
I'll be giving a talk tonight, and I'm looking forward to it, as I haven't done that in a while. I enjoy public speaking...my goal is to tell the truth and add some lightness and humor, but I usually leave the words up to the universe, although I always focus on maintaining the utmost integrity, both in writing and speech. It is my story, and I would never even hint at another's identity, situation, and the like. Not my business. Never have, never will.
Reminding myself to slow it down, trust myself, and keep the focus on the moment. There are situations I don't understand, and perhaps it'll always be confusing, but this morning, I've settled into some peace with that.
Be easy on yourself. And I will too.
Hope you have a beautiful day, wherever you are, whatever you're getting into!
Love to you!
C.A. MacConnell
Glove 16. The Courage Rests Inside.

Going forward with my writing, I'm keeping this in mind because like Richard, I don't have to prove anything. Instead, I know that the story, my experience, speaks for itself. I've never had writer's block. I always have stories and poems going on, and I'm always creating drafts, even if I'm not putting them out to the public, but I do take breaks in order to allow certain works to "marinate." And that is why I've let Book Five sit for a time, because I've needed patience, distance, refection, time, and a new perspective in order to see the pattern, to bring out the individual style and path. I've needed this time to regroup and understand how to revise it.
And soon, I'll return to the process, allowing the new perspective to shine. And this break, these reflections, and these thoughts have brought me to a better place, one of direct strength and wisdom, one of freedom and humble delivery.
When I sit down to make changes, it won't take much time to revise it, as I have a clear plan in mind. There is a lot to take out, and there is a lot to add, because I'm now seeing what's most important. And so, Book Five is still in the works. And if you are here reading my thoughts and words, I thank you for your support.
Hope you have a beautiful day. Perhaps I'll see you out and about. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
The Foot
The Foot
Good morning. Positive thought for today, for me, for you... Not long ago, from overwork and stress and such, among other problems, I had some inflammation on the bone on the front of my foot. I worked anyway, and I was hurting, and I was frightened about the upcoming doctor's appointment. Anyway, I was heading to get a grocery cart, when a man stumbled up next to me...I looked over, and the man smiled, but I could see that he was having trouble walking as well. So, I pulled out a cart for him. Immediately, he smiled wide, grabbed my hand, and kissed it. In that moment, I felt a rush of love, and right then and there, in the store, I stared into his eyes, looked deeply at this stranger, and cried...I'll get back to this, hang on...
Later, the doctor told me that he was glad I came, because my problem could cause a fracture, but I ended up getting insoles that are the opposite of most insoles...and I'll be needing new shoes...turns out, in a world of insoles, as usual, my body is unique and stubborn as all hell.
Anyway, this morning, I"m thinking of the stranger in the store, the man who could barely walk, and I know that insoles will not solve his problem. Believe me, I'm not a fan of thinking that I should be grateful due to others' misery, no, not at all. I believe that all of our experiences are important, and all of our trials deserve love and care. So, no, I'm not making a statement about "well, it could be worse." Actually, my take on this experience and this man's touch is this: remember, no matter what, we're not alone.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell C. 2023
Two Miles In.

Love to you, C.A. MacConnell
Spade, Swirls.

Good morning! Just some things I took yesterday. Have a good day. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Happy Holidays!

Strangely enough, my grampie had a photographic memory his whole life, before the onset of his illness. He was a minister, and when he wrote sermons, after glancing at it once, he had it memorized! No lie. Grampie was quite gentle; he loved to garden, fish, and the like. At the dinner table, sometimes he told jokes that were incredibly long stories, ha; they were so long that I used to get lost in the story, and by the time he got to the punchline, I didn't get it at all, haha, but I laughed anyhow.
Emily was gentle at times, but she definitely had a fierce wild streak that I loved. Emily was a walker! Like me, she hated to sit still...we'd often run into each other on the streets, and we'd both be pounding away at the pavement, smiling. Literally, she kept on walking right up until the last month of her life. Unbelievable.
Thinking of both of them at the moment. People...so unique. I know Emily would have loved this photo. Love to you,
Human, for years, I've been waiting.
Soon, I may warp into kindling --
no more than knots. Leaning back,
living in slant, there rests a ladder.
Today, may you reach out, touching
my strong side (the least faded,
the straightest, my shaded best).
Go ahead. Press your rising chest
against me. My mouth can take
the weight. You will make me --
one, lowly, man-made fence --
stand tall enough to come alive.
Peek above the jagged rows. Find
the crooked downside, for beyond
and below, a thousand splintered
stories, the aches of yesterdays,
are hidden within each crack and line.
So many whispers. All over, I hold
secrets. They are woven in.
They are carved into me
by little hands.
C.A. MacConnell
Fear of Goodness
Just some thoughts upon waking...
Fear of Goodness
This morning, I was thinking about my fear, and the source of it. For a while now, I thought the fear was about loss, loneliness, trying to support myself, and struggling to figure out ways to strike out on my own...
But I'm learning that it's really not about those things at all. You see, my main fear is this: what if it is something good?
Ironically, what I am most afraid of is goodness. Because, in the past, several times, when I had a moment of great achievement, I had a powerful traumatic event occur at the same time and so, I associate the two. So now, when positive things roll in, as they have been lately, I become terrified, trained to believe it's a trick; it's as if I'm waiting for the "shoe to drop." I'll think things like this: surely, I'm about to lose everything.
Strangely, it terrifies me to accept these things: new opportunities, love without strings, healing, and positive growth. Lately, as I move forward, I continue to feel and experience such changes, and yet a part of the "old me" is still fearful and untrusting...sometimes, it rolls inside of me with a force, but I am able to "catch" it now.
Time to let that fear go, because I want a new me, one that believes that all is good, all is well, and that I deserve good things. Some of us grew up thinking that we were defective, that bad things should naturally come to us, that we deserved punishment, and the like.
But I'm realizing that that was false information, and I'm beginning to allow that thought to settle into my tricky brain, because those fears are no longer a part of the person I am becoming.
Here's to revelations. Here's to allowing success and love into my life. Today will be good, and today will be full of love, because I deserve nothing less.
Welcome to my new space of love. Perhaps you will join me in this new home.
C.A. MacConnell
Winter Hawk.

Starting some new work today, and I'm grateful, and somewhat nervous, but I suppose that's normal. Wish me luck. Moving forward slowly, hoping my body heals.
Hope all is well in your world! Sending out love and light, always. Don't understand everything at the moment, but my heart feels full...
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Night Walk Photos

Night Walk

Shout out to Greg Flannery, former editor-in-chief of Article 21 and CityBeat News. One of the best editors I've ever worked with. Also, shout out to Larry Gross, RIP, former editor of CityBeat Living Out Loud. Two of the best troublemakers I've had the pleasure of knowing.
C.A. MacConnell

Fun! I just took a night walk...here's one I liked. Never shot at night before. I'll share some more tomorrow. :) <3
C.A. MacConnell
Hot Dawg

C.A. MacConnell
Hollins Graveyard.

Photo: Fly

Good morning. Something I just wrote on social media that I liked, so I'm reposting it here...
Positive thought for today, for me, for you: "flow" is the word that comes to mind; I embrace all of my feelings. I don't need to "get rid of them immediately," feel shame, or punish myself or others. Rather, I can let the feelings settle and allow them to flow through me. There is a time to act. There is a time to wait. Every feeling is important and so, I can feel it until it changes, and it will change soon.
But if I get stuck on something, I can ask for guidance.
C.A. MacConnell
-- inspired by Melody Beattie's writing. She has been very helpful to me. Hope you have a wonderful day. Love to you, C.A.
River at Night.

Here's one of my mess-ups that I just found. Decided I liked it, ha.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Today, the branches are still there, and they are still beautifully placed in that loving way. Right now, as I type, I'm glancing over at the image.
And I am here, and I feel alive.
And although I'm still wading through some deep grief, I feel a newfound strength. I'm thinking about all of the people I’ve known who never had the chance to use their voices – people that have passed due to emotional pain, neglect, abuse, and the like, countless people who (for whatever reason) never had the chance I have right now, the chance to tell the truth, the chance to break the silence. And I'm thinking about how I can be a voice for all of them.
I am far from alone.
You see, this morning, on the way to the foot doctor, a hawk flew right in front of my car, and I had the awakening that all of them, all of these angels in heaven, or whatever you want to call people who have passed on, all of them are behind me. Suddenly, I felt the presence of a great support, a vast, spiritual hug, if you will.
As difficult as these past two years have been, with all of the grief involved, now I know this: there is no question in my mind what I am here to do. Because this is war, and I'm here to write and fight for all of us.
And so, I have been for 26 years. And so, I will continue to do so.
Stay tuned,
C.A. MacConnell


Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
Photo: Rugby
I trained another horse, Johnny, who did similar things...he'd threaten to bite people and such. But neither horse ever did it to me. It was like an inside joke...if they didn't like someone, both of them were like this: "Well, I could kill you if I wanted to, because you're annoying, but I'd rather have some fun today."
Ha, hope you have a good day. 💪💖😎😘
C.A. MacConnell
See the Light

Good morning. Love to you. Resting today. No pop/caffeine, Day One. Wish me luck. :)
C.A. MacConnell

C.A. MacConnell