Good morning! Can't say from day to day I'm very grounded, because I'm in some unknown territory I suppose...best I can describe it without writing you a novel right now, but I'm rolling with it the best I can without being drastic, so I'm proud of that. Something I just wrote on social media that kinda describes it: Good morning. Positive thought for today, for me, for you: maybe it's cliche, but it's entering my mind...follow the heart. I can do this, just today. Because my heart seeks love...I want to head toward that. Sometimes I get lost, but that's where God comes in.
Hope you have a good day. Hope I get a chance to talk to those I need to very badly! But this past year or so has been very confusing, and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing sometimes. Maybe that's good, I dunno. Maybe that's humility. Who knows. I'm not even going to try and be wise today. I'm just going to try and do the basics...go to work and be kind. Put one foot in front of the other...that kind of thing. Seems like I can't go wrong there. Maybe there is wisdom in that, ha.
Hey, God, help me out here. That's my prayer this morning.
Hope you have a beautiful day. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell