I enjoyed the simplicity of these shots. This guy posed for me yesterday; he looked rather content. So was I. People ask me about my writing sometimes...if it's "me" or "how I feel" -- the novels, the poems, and such.
Well...sometimes, my photos/writings reflect how I presently feel. But more often, it comes from a place of "looking back." Other days, I just spy something interesting, and it gives off a vibe that has nothing to do with me, but it may harness something from my past, or it may present a future dream hope. There have been times when I've posted something ultra-creepy, and I might have even been laughing when I wrote it, and people will ask or wonder about it; this cracks me up. Sometimes, it's just an oddball capture. I suppose that's true for any writer. Although some stay close; some are more distant. It can depend on the time, the work, and the author's route of "attack," so to speak. Every now and then, people ask me strange questions having to do with my books, as if the plot is going on in my life right now. Like, "How's that guy doing now that he got out of prison?" and they're referring to a character, and it can be pretty funny. I've gotten some really hilarious comments about my first book. Actually, I consider it a complement when fiction comes alive. You can find my books here.
Certainly, the characters are real to me. :) I suppose, in the end, it's all a piece of me. With the nonfiction I've written, of course, it's not a character, but it also captures a voice that I may have that minute, day, hour, or week. And we change...aye. So that can be tricky too.
Funny, because in real life, in real time, I'm not tricky at all. I'm very "straight up;" that is, I am quite transparent, grounded, and direct, and when asked, or when the moment calls for it, I'll shoot out exactly how I feel.
Good morning. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell