I decided that I like the eerie feel of this photo. Interesting, pleasantly strange.
Please check out some of my fiction on the posts below...or click the label on the side of this page. And you can find my four books here. PASS IT ON! <3 I created, wrote, edited, and designed each one. I even handled the cover art. Rock and roll.
Please check out some of my fiction on the posts below...or click the label on the side of this page. And you can find my four books here. PASS IT ON! <3 I created, wrote, edited, and designed each one. I even handled the cover art. Rock and roll.
I guarantee, if you pick up any of my books, it'll send you to another world...one that is gripping, fast-paced, slick, creative, and full of feeling. All of my novels have a mystery element, but each one is incredibly unique. My style is rich and real. And since my mind moves rapidly, my books do as well.
Hope you had an awesome day. Mine was long, but I'm proud of trooping through, and I'm grateful for the generosity of some folks today, that's for sure. It brought a tear to my eye.
The other day, through tears, I said to God, "I don't want something normal. I want something magical." Right then, a hawk, my totem animal, flew over my shoulder. I've had some of the most interesting, close encounters with hawks lately. Some days, it gives me just the hope that I need at an unsettled time. I hear you. Amazing.
C.A. MacConnell