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Here's one I took just now. <3
C.A. MacConnell

Which Way, Awning.


Which Way


Hey there. Some recent photos. I've been having fun experimenting with some more abstract work. Hope you're having a good day. Mine was a little rough...but...I'm going to the mooooovieees tonight. I get so excited. Easily amused, for sure. In 1983, there was a day I'll never forget. The third Superman was out, and the plan was this:  first, I was going to the moooooovies to see the new Superman and then, I was going to Mimi's house (my grandma) to spend the night. Sitting in the theater, I thought to myself, This is the best day of my life! Honestly, I remember that moment like it was yesterday.

Wish me luck as I wait to hear about Book Five...I'm still in the process of getting it out there; I've had some heavy interest, and we shall see. My four published novels are on Amazon NOW! Click here. Or, just touch/click on the book covers on the right side of this page, and you'll find all the info. :) XO

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

Cadillac Hearse 2, 3.


C.A. MacConnell


Shadows of You.


For this site only. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell :)

Cadillac Hearse.


Got some more to share tomorrow. Turned out really cool. Just having fun.

C.A. MacConnell



I took a bunch today. I loved this one. I caught some others too. Lucky day.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell



Because similar to the obligatory "Rock 'n roll brick wall shot," every artist has to have a simple, yet highly obvious sexual photo. Just a joke today. Always good to laugh at yourself.

C.A. MacConnell


Still Here.

I like to see the beauty in things, where one would never think it would exist. :) XO.

C.A. MacConnell



I like to write little poems with a twist, a little surprise. Here's an example. I like to do this in fiction quite a bit as well -- both in short stories and in my novels... Twists and turns and surprises. Love, C.🙏💪


Nothing much
to tell, but I’ll always
beat the deadline.
I’ll collect
the backstage cash,
barely looking up.
my neck and jaw
often ache,
but I’ll never complain.
I know my weight.
Thank you, James,
for making me
laugh. Only you
know who you are.

C.A. MacConnell

One Bird.


I enjoyed the simplicity of these shots. This guy posed for me yesterday; he looked rather content. So was I. People ask me about my writing sometimes...if it's "me" or "how I feel" -- the novels, the poems, and such.

Well...sometimes, my photos/writings reflect how I presently feel. But more often, it comes from a place of "looking back." Other days, I just spy something interesting, and it gives off a vibe that has nothing to do with me, but it may harness something from my past, or it may present a future dream hope. There have been times when I've posted something ultra-creepy, and I might have even been laughing when I wrote it, and people will ask or wonder about it; this cracks me up. Sometimes, it's just an oddball capture. I suppose that's true for any writer. Although some stay close; some are more distant. It can depend on the time, the work, and the author's route of "attack," so to speak. Every now and then, people ask me strange questions having to do with my books, as if the plot is going on in my life right now. Like, "How's that guy doing now that he got out of prison?" and they're referring to a character, and it can be pretty funny. I've gotten some really hilarious comments about my first book. Actually, I consider it a complement when fiction comes alive. You can find my books here.

Certainly, the characters are real to me. :) I suppose, in the end, it's all a piece of me. With the nonfiction I've written, of course, it's not a character, but it also captures a voice that I may have that minute, day, hour, or week. And we change...aye. So that can be tricky too.

Funny, because in real life, in real time, I'm not tricky at all. I'm very "straight up;" that is, I am quite transparent, grounded, and direct, and when asked, or when the moment calls for it, I'll shoot out exactly how I feel.

Good morning. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell




Never know what might be strangely beautiful...and yet deep at the same time.
I love this.
Hope you do too. :) XO. <3. ;)

C.A. MacConnell

Proud of You.

C.A. MacConnell




This is me, right now. Hello. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell



:) XO

C.A. MacConnell

Just Assume That It's Beautiful.

Maybe it doesn't seem so sometimes, when you broke your arm, or you lost someone, or you're struggling to pay rent. After the cast, after the hug and reconnection, after the bill is paid, there is another side. On the other side, however large or small, miracles are revealed.

Because soon, as it unfolds, you begin to realize this: the body can heal. Maybe you lost someone, but a new friend entered your life. You scrambled to pay the rent, but you now know that you have the ability to support and care for yourself. Suddenly, you understand these truths, and you can move forward with this new strength in your heart.

A changed version of the self appears.

Just assume that it's beautiful.

C.A. MacConnell



First, shut your eyes. Take a moment. Right here, right now.

Remember. Think of how amazing it is...the way your journey has unfolded, and how much hard work it has taken to get where you are today.

Celebrate you, because life is complex and difficult sometimes for everyone, no matter what various outside appearances might convey.

And right now, someone is battling similar experiences. And right now, they too are shutting their eyes and making a decision to feel joy, acknowledging the strength that living requires.

Take a moment to be a witness to your unique, human courage.

C.A. MacConnell


Memories 1, 2, 3.


Enjoy my little story in pictures. Color's too orange? Some things are cut off? Out of focus, perhaps. Yes, indeed. ;) Some mistakes are intentional. There can be loveliness in the mess. And there can be perfection in the pattern of imperfection. Ha. To me, that's more interesting than one perfect landscape shot. Like the voices of Janis Joplin, Chan Marshall, and Nina Simone. Not perfect, but powerful, nonetheless.

One of my little secrets. Just fucking around, having a lot of fun, in my own little world of stories and images. Sometimes, it's more fun to be there. All the time, really! Love to you,

C.A. MacConnell

Argo's Street.


Good morning. <3
C.A. MacConnell


Good morning.

Stop. Look.

Hm, that person seems "off." Not their usual expression. The words are rather more like whisperings. Strange. People around them are steering clear. They're quieter than usual. They're louder than usual. People around them are REALLY steering clear now.

I've been "off" before, and when I am, there's good reason. I'm kind of "off" today too.

I'll ask some questions.

I'm not getting anything.

I don't know them very well, but I'll ask more questions.

I didn't think I had time, but I have time.

I won't give up on this person.

I can't believe it. They hugged me.

I can't believe it. They have a lot of stress. So do I, but I'm breathing a little deeper now. Wonder if they are. Seems so.

I can't believe it. Fifteen minutes later, we're laughing together.

Questions, an ear, or simple presence. That's key. I've always known that, but why does that idea seem new?

We are powerful.

We are both still smiling. When I leave, the day seems suddenly a little lighter.

One moment with another person can change everything. One moment can save a life.

C.A. MacConnell


Some Music Shots


Just messing around taking some night/indoor shots. Jake and I have known each other about 15 years, I believe. He makes me laugh a lot! Always has. I'm going to get out and take some more shots of musicians/artists. I enjoy it very much. I'd actually rather capture backstage or behind the scenes stuff...that'd be more fun to me, to grab a range of vibes, personalities, and spirits. That's more my preference with photos. Let's see where this goes. :) Love to you. 

Hope you're having a beautiful day.

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. I'd love to take your photo. Send me a message here.

The Reach

With his fingers, one lonely man
carved a perfect, nude, stone sculpture.

A single woman penned a lofty book,
one about a shy, misunderstood

monster, a recluse who was half
machine. Others wrote elusive,
naked songs and poems. Nomads

poured out bibles and speeches.
Soliloquies. Today, each moment,

the world still cracks, falling in love
with Marilyn Monroe. And here I am,

digging into the stream, trying
to express what lies inside,
but like the rest, I'll never quite

reach. I'm sure you already know.

C.A. MacConnell


Tree Shots

May Tree

Little Tree


Trees teach me a lot about angles, light, and perspective. I believe that they hold secrets, stories, and many whispers inside. At times, I talk to trees, and I often feel a sense of safe, compassionate energy coming from them, as if they're gentle, supportive listeners. When I touch them, I usually do so lightly. The second shot is one of a tree that I've followed through time, watching it change. Not sure why I picked that one. I just did. Over time, I've had some favorite trees. Usually, the ones I lean into aren't the impressive kind; they're often strange or small or simple. Just a feeling I get with some of them.

In case you're picturing me running around wearing leaves and twigs for clothes and such, don't be dismayed. I do indeed talk to people as well and interact with society...admittedly quite failed at times, but I do it with great passion and interest. Ha.

Hope you have a good day. 

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. I had a dream that someone screamed at me, "CHECK YOUR SPELLING!" It was a terrifying nightmare.


Booze, Driveway Grave.



Driveway Grave

Same vibe here as the one below. A whole story behind these shots, in my opinion. Art all works together. :)

C.A. MacConnell

Yellow Hose.


<3 I freaking love this. Example of one I'll love and very few will. Because it tells a story, and it makes something extraordinary out of the ordinary. :)

C.A. MacConnell

From the Turtle

One of my favorites. Have a good day. Love to you, C.A. From the POV of the turtle.

From the Turtle

I will find the light soon

we all will
I’ve been under the ice
for a while
which is boring
I was afraid I might die last year
the first time
under here
because would you believe
I wasn’t even hungry
and my skin was breathing
for me

last spring, I couldn’t understand
Mom disappeared for hours
with the old man
I guess it was fun
but they were both crying
then I had five sisters
four are pretty easy to swim with
they taught me to dive
the middle one is bad
too much, she snaps
she bit a fingertip right off once
I was so sorry for the person
but I didn’t know what to say
ten hours I crawled
I went to the woods
I met a lonely goose

I will find the light soon

I am two now
my family
has been here a long time
at least seven summers
I guess summer is the same thing as sex
I’m not sure
I’m not big on worms
but crickets are delicious

I will find the light soon

I hear the toads
they are so loud it hurts
the sides of my head
they’re yelling about Snake on the rocks
in the sun
maybe I will join him
not too close
can’t trust the quiet
always working, no play
poor guy
waiting around for legs to grow
I keep telling him
anyday now

Once I was crossing the sidewalk
it took me all day to get half way
all of a sudden
the human took a hold
of my shell
I was upside down
and dizzy
I thought I might lose something on the inside
I pulled my head in to play
hide-and-seek with her
I think she was afraid
her eyes were like flies
and would you believe
she set me down
back at the beginning

I will find the light soon

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. I just woke up and had a funny thought, and I wrote it on social media:  it's going to be a hot one. Something is happening to me, and it's very uncomfortable, and I'm rather annoyed. I think God wants me to be happy. Ha. Love to you, C.A. It's true. I woke and wondered why I was so annoyed at all of the changes in my life over the past few years -- all of the ups and downs, all of the grief, all of the physical pain, all of the fear, all of the hardship. And I realized it's for good reason...I just can't clearly see the full picture yet, but I know in my heart that it's for love. Learning how to love in various ways. I'm learning how to "Stay." I'm learning how to compromise, be patient, and practice compassion. I'm learning how to rely on myself and sit with tough feelings too, building strength. I have expressed these changes, these miracles, to my spiritual adviser, and we've been talking about it, which is fun. I've been noticing new people coming into my life, which is like magic if you think about it, and I'm sure there's some magic man out there who is learning these things too and maybe, just maybe, I'll see this person out and about. At 49, I'm learning how to be a kid again. Because kids understand love and play. Some of us have to undo some shit and relearn it. XO :) Maybe this writing isn't genius, but it's important, because I'm important. Learning that too.


Mel Art 2.


Here are some more shots from Melissa's show. FB:  Mel Artwork. Please check out her work, which is incredibly powerful...even more so in person.

I love trying to capture the energy and vibe of people. More challenging when a crowd's involved! :) Enjoying the practice.

If you'd like me to take your photo, shoot me an email.

Photos by C.A. MacConnell


Mel Artwork.


Saw a friend's show last night and took some shots. Enjoy. The last piece is called "After the Storm." <3. Look...I caught a little ant on that first one. :) I own one of the blue/yellow smaller boxes. A different one than the ones pictured here...she painted it before she met me, and when I saw it, I was so touched. :) <3. Her art touches me so much emotionally. She is incredibly talented. Posted with permission of the artist.

Photos by C.A. MacConnell


Private Plane 4.


Good morning. I hope you're having great adventures! I have a bunch of plane pics, but this one feels sexy to me.

A while back, someone asked me where I'd like to go on vacation, if I went. I said, "I don't care. I'll go anywhere. I can have fun inside a cardboard box." I'm easily amused and easily distracted, no matter where I am. For instance, when I see boxes of bananas at the grocery, I wonder, What if, one morning, they opened that box of bananas and a person jumped out? And then I told the produce guy, J. I said, Hey, J., what if some person jumped outta here, like someone trying to escape? Or what if a snake jumped out! And then we cracked up. And then I made up a whole story about it in my head. He told me he once found a frog in the produce. People, wash your produce.

Hope you have a beautiful day,
C.A. MacConnell


Limo in Woods.


I decided that I like the eerie feel of this photo. Interesting, pleasantly strange.

Please check out some of my fiction on the posts below...or click the label on the side of this pageAnd you can find my four books here. PASS IT ON! <3 I created, wrote, edited, and designed each one. I even handled the cover art. Rock and roll.

I guarantee, if you pick up any of my books, it'll send you to another that is gripping, fast-paced, slick, creative, and full of feeling. All of my novels have a mystery element, but each one is incredibly unique. My style is rich and real. And since my mind moves rapidly, my books do as well.

Hope you had an awesome day. Mine was long, but I'm proud of trooping through, and I'm grateful for the generosity of some folks today, that's for sure. It brought a tear to my eye.

The other day, through tears, I said to God, "I don't want something normal. I want something magical." Right then, a hawk, my totem animal, flew over my shoulder.  I've had some of the most interesting, close encounters with hawks lately. Some days, it gives me just the hope that I need at an unsettled time. I hear you. Amazing.

C.A. MacConnell

Hawk, Sunrise. Amber.


Hawk, Sunrise


Two of my favorite photos that capture my spirit. Have a good day. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell


Marrero, LA.


Change is hard, especially when the habits run deep, but great change is possible. I am growing and changing every day, opening up. :) Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. XO. Have a nice evening.

C.A. MacConnell


Wolf Hiding.


Shot on film. <3 Sometimes, you don't get an answer. This week, I was talking on the phone to a friend, and I said those very words, and a hawk flew right next to me, nearly brushing my shoulder. The unknowns. Accepting such things can be incredibly difficult, particularly for one with OCD, like me. 

Remembering to stay humble. Remembering that faith rolls in when I think this:  I have no idea. Show me what to do.

I am trying to understand that no answer is an answer. <3 Tough stuff for me to accept, but I see that, and I know it's true. People have all sorts of feelings. People have all sorts of ways of going about life. And I have no idea where someone might be coming from. What's my business? Do the next right thing, right? 

Time to get in the shower. I'm filthy, and I'm thinking too much and so, now I'm laughing. XO. Time to get back to my heart, right here, right now. Hope you have a beautiful evening! 

Love to you, 

C.A. MacConnell

Tiny, Right Actions

Secretly, inside random churches, I've been playing awesome grand pianos and also, I've been banging around on untuned, ancient, broken pianos, writing some new songs. While I'm waiting on news about my nonfiction, I've been creating new fiction. Much of my next book is rolling around in my head, but some of it is already written; my books always begin this way. I've been taking photos, seeing the beauty in all of the little things.

I create nonstop, the same way that I always have, as far back as I can remember. I've never been one to "take breaks." Simply, creating is a part of my life, a part of who I am, and I just roll with it, whether the final product is dark, humorous, uplifting, spiritual, hilarious, gritty, or light. And every time I create something new, whether it be photos or songs or writing, no matter my age, I feel like a child again.

What a journey.

And creating is an enormous part of my personal growth.

A recent upheaval of change pushed me into riding a wave of feelings but now, when joy rolls in, it's a new kind of calm...a new, lasting peace, a new kind of happy, a feeling that's settling in as the result of hard, internal work. It's taken a warrior-like amount of intensity, faith, and trust; I've learned to practice long term patience, make difficult decisions, persist through primal feelings (tumultuous rage, loss, and fear), maintain a place of humility, sit with enduring physical pain, live in the moment, consistently pray away fear, pursue decades of continuing professional help, and listen to the strong support of spiritual advisers, among many, many other things. Many days, the feelings were so fierce, the goal was to simply stay sober and stay alive. And that in itself, friends, can be a lofty goal.

I always say, "I've never been perfect at this mess we call 'life,' but one thing I'm good at is this: I keep trying."


Trying is everything.

Yesterday, a woman, a stranger, told me I was beautiful. Looking into her eyes, I could tell that she meant that she was connecting with my spirit, and I drank in that complement, because our bodies, faces, fingers, and toes are merely a shell of who we are; it's all about the heart. And when it comes to my heart, I believe that my journey is one that's leading me into connection -- how to better love and be loved. And if, in the process, that creates some kind of beauty, well, then I consider it a "big win." Because now she's not a stranger. Now she's a new friend.

And so, what's next? I am not concerned about that. Right here, right now, I feel whole, and that is something. Truly, that is a miracle.

Of course, when I'm done writing to you, I suppose I'll decide on some breakfast, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get ready for the day. And if I have moments of doubt, if I fall back into old thinking, if all things again turn overwhelming, I have learned that perhaps the answer is simply this:  do something small and above all else, never give up.

My experience has shown me that tiny, right actions add up, creating ridiculous, awesome miracles.

Love to you.

C.A. MacConnell


Lost Glove 60.


Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell



Hi, I took this just now. <3 it. Feels so free. And I felt free when I took it. It's all about perspective, aye? Hope you like the shot. One of my new faves.

Just FYI, if you're on my FB page or whatnot, it's been acting wacky. I'm sure it'll all roll out eventually. But hey, a buddy of mine had someone hack in and repeatedly write that she loves to poop her pants. That particular hacker hasn't found me yet, but if they do, I will surely leave the genius msgs alone although, please rest assured that soiling myself is not one of my favorite activities.

Always good to laugh at this shit. C.A. MacConnell


Even with all of the gadgets and such these days, when kids enter nature/gardens, they are absolutely entranced by snakes, frogs, fish, and the like. I suppose that goes for me as well. Trampoline jumping has never gone out of style either, although if you try it as an adult, it's much harder than you remember, ha. An interesting "quiet mode" often enters into children when they get around horses or larger animals too. They're like, "Wait a minute, better listen a little." Ha.

There is no replacement for nature.

Along with this theme, I watched Don't Look Up yesterday; I thought it was quite interesting, and I enjoyed the acting, and I loved the bursts of strange humor throughout the piece, but my thought was that there could've been more punch, particularly with sound, short nature shots worked in differently with more of a direct connection/pattern (ie, directly related to characters, or more of these, not directly related), and more close-ups. Just a thought I had, because the message was powerful, but could've been more so with a close-knit pattern, in my book. Emotion could carry more weight, with different editing. Just the writing/editing critic in me creeping out. :) In great fiction, poetry, songs, nature...there's a pattern (or in some cases, an "anti-pattern" that unfolds, and the pattern is what grabs). Not that I'm perfect at it in my work, hell no, but I'm aware and sometimes, I nail it. 

Check out my books here.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell


Good Morning.

Good morning! Please check out my books here! I think you'll be surprised. So gripping, raw, real, and sometimes, humorous. Always, fast-paced, creative, slick, and engaging. 

Hope you have a beautiful day! I'll be babysitting all day. Wish me luck, ha. They're great. Here's a photo for you. Something from my life, actually. Johnny and me. A horse I trained. :) Indeed, those are beige chaps, although the pic makes it look like I have no pants on, haha. Always good to laugh at yourself. XO, C.A.


Little Yellow House.


Good morning. I've often dreamed of a little, yellow house I could call my own.

If you begin to tunnel into anxious thoughts, try telling yourself this:  slow it down. Something that helps me throughout my day. A simple, but powerful little mantra. 

Happy Wednesday. I would really like to have pancakes and take the day off. :) However, there's work to do. Perhaps I'll get a surprise lucrative order to deliver, and I'll be able to rest. Never know, happens sometimes. :) Not much, but it happens.

I'm working on some new stuff behind the scenes. Until then, here's a photo for you.

Sending you hope and light. Love to you!
C.A. MacConnell


One Feather.


Howdy. Just a simple shot I like. Saw so many incredible birds today, and they lift my heart, for sure. My totem animal is the hawk and so, I pay close attention. I've had some really unique encounters with them, especially today. Magic, for sure. <3 Always reminds me that something is out there pulling for me, pulling for you. Gives me a sense of humility, awe, and wonder.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell