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I Freaking Love You

C.A. MacConnell

Fear vs. Love

Good morning. When I am angry or uncomfortable, fear is usually present underneath it. I see fear everywhere...inside me and around me. Fear of money (I see it in myself, those who have, and those who don't have), fear of not being successful (I see it in those who are working in all sorts of varying positions), fear of being alone (I see it in those who have no families or partners and those who have large families and partners), fear of not being heard (I see it in the world around me, on the net, etc), fear of illness (I see it in the sick and in those who are well).

It seems like everyone I talk to shares these basic, human fears. I suppose the list would change and become unique for each individual, but there seems to be a common thread.

What is this fear teaching me?

Sometimes, maybe more often than not, I am...and the world is...addicted to fear.

What can I do today that's different, not fear-based?

I can love. Small gestures, help, focus on giving. Simply notice how I can be of service. I will try if you will. :)XO. Days like that, when I'm in the flow of all that's good, I feel no fear.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Msg FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Need writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting my journey! It means so much.