Photo on film. :) This is one of my throwaway shots that I later saved from the trash, because I changed my mind...ha. People are getting wild already about Xmas, and it's not even T-giving yet. I've never been big on holidays...I just see every day as a day, but I do enjoy random fun stuff. The other day, in the car, I was thinking that if I had a child, I'd randomly announce this: "No school today! We're going to ride roller coasters!" Stuff like that. I think everyone, adult and child, should have random fun days off. How cool would that be. No work today! Surprise! Go sit in a hot tub or do whatever! Have fun! Yeah. That's my kinda world. I'll visit nudist places sometimes...randomly wake up and go. Guess not everyone does that either. I love it. So free to hike around naked, ha. TMI, I guess. Who gives a fuck.
C.A. MacConnell
C.A. MacConnell