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Photo: Self


Obligatory "I am an artist" shot. LOL.
C.A. MacConnell


Howdy. Newsy Note to You.

Howdy. Please check out my Amazon Author Page! Four books. Entirely an independent effort, inside and out. Literary and fast-paced, all in one.

Don't miss out, because...

Like me, my novels are full of fire! 💥💥💫💫❤🎸🏄✨✨✨🔥🔥🔥🔥

Find a description of each one, and all the goods, by clicking the book covers on the right side of this page. Hells yeah, presto.

My style = intense, unique, raw, gripping, and at times, definitely hilarious. When I grab onto a voice, I dig deeply, and as I write, I literally become the characters each moment. Strikingly real, poetic dialogue is my specialty.

I feel it all, and I feel it deeply, and this shows in my work.

Also, if you're looking for a laugh, and you're not afraid of bad words and edgier material, check out my comedy site. I usually laugh to tears when I write most of this stuff. It's all just fun practice for me, grabbing on to various voices...and I love to make people laugh. It's creative as all hell too, and it gives a sense of my fictional style.

And if you enjoy my work, either on this site or on the comedy site, please leave a donation! Every bit helps. Thanks so much!

Pass it on! Love,

C.A. MacConnell


Wait 'til You See.


I took this a while ago, but here's something I just wrote on social media, and I felt moved to share it:  "Good morning. Yesterday, I admit I had a tough day, but several times, I looked up and noticed how gorgeous the sky was...almost like God made it extra special yesterday. And when I turn around a tough day, I consider it a big win."

Perhaps that'll help someone. This morning, I am moved by the great steps we can take to move forward, if we work hard and persevere through the worst of the pain. True faith.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. It's like God is saying, I really want these lessons with your day to stick. ;)


Looking for Xmas Gifts?

Got you covered!

I have four books out, and they're all the popular saying goes, you won't be able to put them down...but in this case, it's definitely true. My mind rolls out quickly, and so do my books!

With each novel, I was the sole creator, writer, editor, and designer (interior and exterior).

Entirely an independent effort, I am proud of each and every detail.

Just click on the book covers on the right side of this page for a description. Or, see my Amazon Author Page right here.

And if you're curious about my training and background, check out my Author Bio. All the goods are there. :)

Each book is fast paced with a mystery element, and the characters are those you will never forget, I guarantee it. They are all quite unique, but my style is one that will grab you. Just check out the readers' comments!

Hope you will join me on my artistic journey.

C.A. MacConnell


Kylin, Morning.


Good morning! Posted this on FB, and people were posting all of their favorite animal pics. I love it. Hope you have a happy holiday. I'm gonna work some, and I'll play some too. I also intend to play some music...I have some song ideas rolling around in my head. :) Hope your day is full of love and light.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell


Barber Shoppe


Photo on film. :) This is one of my throwaway shots that I later saved from the trash, because I changed my mind...ha. People are getting wild already about Xmas, and it's not even T-giving yet. I've never been big on holidays...I just see every day as a day, but I do enjoy random fun stuff. The other day, in the car, I was thinking that if I had a child, I'd randomly announce this:  "No school today! We're going to ride roller coasters!" Stuff like that. I think everyone, adult and child, should have random fun days off. How cool would that be. No work today! Surprise! Go sit in a hot tub or do whatever! Have fun! Yeah. That's my kinda world. I'll visit nudist places sometimes...randomly wake up and go. Guess not everyone does that either. I love it. So free to hike around naked, ha. TMI, I guess. Who gives a fuck.

C.A. MacConnell




Daily, I cut it up with certain folks, and they'll have me rolling...oftentimes, these little conversations work their way into my books. We crack up, but there is a lot of love rolling around between the sarcastic jabs as well. <3

Woke up with a working on books, me traveling some, a black dog, a small house, a partner. :) This is my dream. Ha, I'm off to do deliveries, but I'm certain my mind will be in the clouds.

Love to you,

C.A. MacConnell


Always a Window


Around ten years ago, I watched a movie that intrigued me...and when the credits were rolling, I sprung up from the couch and began searching around on the internet, learning about the characters, the writers, the actors, and the like. Grinning intently, I delved into the back story, and I became quite lost in it, as I often do when I'm struck. (Of course, as a writer, characters often interest me, and if I am touched, I'll do some heavy digging. Obsessing comes in handy when writing, and if I channel it, I feel that it's a true gift).

Anyway, after that, feeling inspired, I walked through the back streets of town, trying anything and everything to distract myself. See, I was shocked and hurt about a breakup. In that moment, I was feeling somewhat worn-out and confused, surprised about the turn of events. But just then, I looked up at the sky and cried out to God for some direction. Immediately, I saw a man's image, and I heard a loud, clear message in my mind. This is what I heard:  "You aren't going believe what happens next. It's going to be absolutely amazing." All at once, I felt peaceful. As I finished that lone walk, hope began to leak back in. The breakup was a mere bump in the road, but it catapulted me into some intense change.

Since that day, in ways both playful and difficult, my life has spiderwebbed its way into more growth than I ever could have imagined. Yes, it's still unfolding, and it has all taken hard, hard work and dedication. It has taken time. I've had to feel feelings that I thought...from time to time...would kill me. But they didn't kill me. See, I'm still here. Slowly, I began to uncover those things that held me back from being able to truly love and be loved.

Of course, I'm still working on it, and I believe the journey of learning how to love is a lifelong one. But today, I'm reflecting on the last ten years, and the "God patterns," as I call them. The learnings have been both tumultuous and beautiful, but I am a completely different person than I was that day, and I am proud of how far I've come along.

I can't wait to revise my fifth book, and I can't wait to get to work on the sixth, because there is an ultra-important story and message here, one that I believe will save lives. At the moment, in real time, it's all bleeding out in a way that's still fresh.

Overall, from me to you, I would definitely say it's been no less than amazing.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell


Hello. Books!


Good morning! Here are my four all-original books, straight from my tricky brain to you. All of them were a solo venture. I did all the writing, editing, design, and cover art myself. To check them out, just click on the photos. All are fast paced with a mystery element, but each one is quite unique. Hope you join me on my artistic journey! Pass it on.

Comedy Site
Official Facebook Page Follow me here!

Love, C.A. MacConnell


Some shots from today...


Purple Flower

Take One

Boot Brush

The boot brush made me smile...took me straight back to my childhood and time in the barns. Literally, as soon as I saw it, the memories flooded in. So cool. :) <3

C.A. MacConnell

Just a Hello, and Some Words.

Something I just spewed out on social media, ha. I rather liked it, so I'm reposting here. Perhaps it'll help someone. Love to you, C.A. 

Positive thought for today, for me, for you...

I've had a tough couple of years, with immense stress and physical pain and in many ways, my life has done a 180, and it has been (and still is) fiercely challenging, but I am barreling straight through it. Truly, I have felt some of the best and worst days of my life. But indeed, there are gifts...

I am gaining a huge amount of strength, numerous new perspectives, more compassion, more joy, and more freedom, among many other things. I am seeing my true supporters roll in, and my relationship with God is growing. And as I always say, "The feelings always change. Never think it'll last forever." Day to day, change can look and feel messy, but it is also empowering and hilarious at times, and in my experience, when I persevere through the darkness, heading toward the light, on the other side, therein rests a more authentic, freer, more loving (and more loved) version of me, allowing a flow of serenity within.

Good luck to you on your journey. Honor who you are and who you are becoming, regardless of what other people think. Be your authentic self, because that is where the beauty rests inside all of us. Feelings can be powerful, but the heart always wins.

Stay with it.

And if all else fails...I prefer Mega Stuff Oreos.

C.A. MacConnell


Railroad, Eye Support


I entered a few fiction contests. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. XO,

C.A. MacConnell


Bird Cloud, November


Bird Cloud


Thought these turned out pretty cool. Hope you had a beautiful day. 

C.A. MacConnell



Felt cute. Won't delete later. 😀😎👀Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell



I just wrote this. Enjoy. Love, C.A. 


Shivering, half-alive, I wake.

Peering outside, I watch the clouds turn
into fragile, lean, skeletons --
awkward beyond slim –
and then, they sink into slow motion,
a pulsing, pressing flight,
white blood leak-dancing across the air
like sweat staining fresh sheets.
Yawning, stretching, I flinch,
feeling a world of spasms,
the family buried deep
within my cervical space.
Behind me, your bare, warm arm
shifts to reach, and when your fingertips
gently grace my neck,
that is all it takes
to heal and build the muscle,
and that is all it takes
to create morning, a newly burning sky,
the strange, domed heat lighting us
hole to whole,
and that is all it takes,
and that is all.

Suddenly, skin to skin,
we are gathering sky bones.

C.A. MacConnell




Good morning! Get to walk with my friend Liz this morning. :) <3 Hope you have a beautiful day. Love, C.A. MacConnell