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Yellow Springs.


Here's a simple little shot I took some time ago. I've always liked it. I've been working hard, but I'm having fun taking pictures of friends...and making new friends. Learning how to reach out more and create more of a family, I guess. It's new growth for me...creating friendships. I think most people learned this kind of thing in high school, but I've had a lot on my plate, so I'm a bit behind. :) It feels a little scary too. I've begun to hug people, here and there, which is new for me as well.

Honestly, not only have I not had a partner in almost nine years, but also, I haven't even held someone's hand during this whole time (except during a group prayer or something) ...when I say I'm an introvert, I mean it, but I am changing some, very slowly, and it feels right. Interesting. My whole life has done a 180 in the past year and every morning, I have panic, but I'm learning to settle quicker and quicker, and when I do, indeed, I'm trusting my higher power even more than ever before. Hope you have a nice evening. I will have a lot to write about when I barrel through this growth spurt, that's for sure.

C.A. MacConnell