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Look again. He's always there.

Good morning. In small towns like Roanoke, VA, in any coffee shop or restaurant, the vibe is quite different than in bigger cities, because everyone knows everyone. Even if you don't know someone's name, you know the face. It has a closer-knit feel about it, one that I enjoy; everything moves a lot slower as well -- people talk slower, walk slower, and no one seems impatient. People just amble along and say hello, ha. I prefer it, actually.

The scene and people always feel familiar, and this energy reminded me of this poem this morning. Hope you like it. The title is the first line as well in this one.

Love to you. Hope you have a good day. C.A. MacConnell

Look again. He’s always there –

the thinnest man in the sun.
Keeping time,
he throws crumbs
to any bird.
It’s true, he says.
For as long as I live, for as long
as you live,
I’ll be dusting feathers
from my jacket.

When it rains, he sells watches.
No insurance for the buyer,
but ten dollars
is all it takes
to slide one on the wrist.
That’s how Billy makes it
through the winter.

C.A. MacConnell