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Simon, Marrero, LA.


Today, the guy bagging my groceries (about 20yrs old) asked what cartoons were around when I was little. I listed off Tom 'n Jerry, Scooby Doo, Dungeons and Dragons, and The Gummy Bears, ha. The D&D one was my was a short-lived one, but it was rad. He was so excited about that one, and he was googling it when I laughed and said, "Shows that I'm an old woman!" It was a fun encounter. Made me think about how much I loved the Tom 'n Jerry episode when Tom tries to run up a staircase to heaven...that was my favorite. That image is forever etched in my mind.

Here's what I have to say to you today:  no matter what you choose to do, way to go. I love you.

C.A. MacConnell