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Suddenly, I'm realizing that my whole life, I've allowed others to have power over me. Others have made my decisions -- doctors, parents, sponsors, friends, self-help writers, spiritual writers, people in 12-step meetings, and on and on. Partners, sometimes, but not so much, as I've never had a long-term partner. Suddenly, I'm wondering if the way to go is to not do "the next right thing," but instead, start doing "the next wrong thing," because I've spent 25 years doing the next right thing, and I've never felt truly free or happy following along...a part of me always questions things when people make it seem as if it's the "only route." Because the essence of "God," per say, is a mystery...divinity in itself rests in the unknown. So how can there be "one way?"

The only true religion is this:  Since I am human, I don't know.

Perhaps it is age, but now I feel as if I'm more of an observer and less of a sponge. Just a taste of what I've been feeling lately -- a shift in perspective.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell