Ha, this is kind of a creepy photo, I know, but I like it. Kind of has that "Chucky" vibe. That's what I'll aim for now when it comes to all relationships -- disturbed, killer-possessed dolls, bring 'em my way, I'm sure we'll get along. I have to laugh at myself this morning. Yesterday, I was at a spiritual group, and I was so bored, so I went outside, smoked a cig, and I saw two tiny birds playing in the sky. They were darting and diving around, having so much fun! That made me smile. :) That's about all the deep thought I have for you at the moment.
This morning, I was looking back at some of my essays, and I was going to post one, but I realized that my perspective on nearly every single one...was different, ha. Looks like I have some revising to do.
Hope you have an awesome day. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell