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From the Turtle

I just wrote this. From the POV of the turtle. :)

From the Turtle

I will find the light soon

we all will
I’ve been under the ice
for a while
which is boring
I was afraid I might die last year
the first time
under here
because would you believe
I wasn’t even hungry
and my skin was breathing
for me

last spring, I couldn’t understand
Mom disappeared for hours
with the old man
I guess it was fun
but they were both crying
then I had five sisters
four are pretty easy to swim with
they taught me to dive
the middle one is bad
too much, she snaps
she bit a fingertip right off once
I was so sorry for the person
but I didn’t know what to say
ten hours I crawled
I went to the woods
I met a lonely goose

I will find the light soon

I am two now
my family
has been here a long time
at least seven summers
I guess summer is the same thing as sex
I’m not sure
I’m not big on worms
but crickets are delicious

I will find the light soon

I hear the toads
they are so loud it hurts
the sides of my head
they’re yelling about Snake on the rocks
in the sun
maybe I will join him
not too close
can’t trust the quiet
always working, no play
poor guy
waiting around for legs to grow
I keep telling him
anyday now

Once I was crossing the sidewalk
it took me all day to get half way
all of a sudden
the human took a hold
of my shell
I was upside down
and dizzy
I thought I might lose something on the inside
I pulled my head in to play
hide-and-seek with her
I think she was afraid
her eyes were like flies
and would you believe
she set me down
back at the beginning

I will find the light soon

C.A. MacConnell