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Good morning. I just slept 10 hours, much needed, and my eye is better, thank you to modern medicine antibiotic drops. The funny thing is you can't see the cut b/c the cut's on the side behind the it looks like I'm crying wolf. What can I say...I'm the queen of problems you "can't see."

Yesterday, I posted on FB that I realized I hadn't dated anyone in eight years, which is true. Ten really, emotionally speaking. I wasn't really concerned about the reaction, but the reaction was interesting.

I've been revising some essays, waiting to hear about other things regarding books. I'm not hell-bent on anything at the moment...just working nonstop, trying to pay bills. No worries, it keeps me out of trouble, and for now, it's just my life, and I'm cool with where I'm at. All part of the process, and I'm content with this notion.

Anyway, hope you like the picture. A little simple one for you.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell