Cincinnati, OH
Note to You...on Sleep and Book Three
Had to change the blog's look in the middle of the night. I wake up a lot, and I get bored, but I drift back off eventually. When I'm bored and oh so awake, sometimes I wish there was someone to call so we could tell stories or jokes to each other. Stories always make me fall asleep. I love it when someone tells me a story in bed! Makes me feel like a kid again.
Anyway, I think I'll have to make friends with someone on the other side of the globe so I'll have a friend to call in the middle of the night. 📱
My sleep is one of those things that falls into this category: it's the best it's gonna be, we'll take what we can get. It's been like this since 2005. When I tell people, they are horrified, and they suggest the following: melatonin, a sleep mask, meditation tapes, no caffeine, etc. I tried it all, and the result is the same sleep pattern, and most often...much worse. People love to share "sleep help," haha. What they don't realize is that the more I focus on it, and the more I "try" these things (I've tried everything), the worse it gets, so I just don't worry about it. That's my doc's approach as well, ha. I mean, I'm not dead, so I guess it's all right.
On more educated nights, I read the New York Times. On most nights, I look at random sites and muse about big dreams and worry a lot about myself or about people I don't even know or about people I once knew. I once read that Martha Stewart only sleeps 4 hours a night. I'm sure there are others. I'm like 5-6 broken. And then, every few weeks, I have a few crash days, where I'm exhausted. Ha, it's strange, I know.🛌💤😴
Anyway, I hope you like the new blog color scheme, ha, big news, I know.
Anyway, I hope you like the new blog color scheme, ha, big news, I know.
On another note...well, I've had another rejection come in on Book Three, and it was a big one, so no takers on that monster, although I feel like I have exhausted all of my efforts, and I've put all of the work in for sure. I had a ton of bites on the full manuscript, like always. Just no luck. I have some more feelers out there...some I still haven't heard from, but it's looking like I'll have to...
a) start a new project
a) start a new project
b) self publish Book Three
Not sure which way to go. I'm incredibly disappointed and frustrated, as this book is killer, slick, professional, well-crafted, heartily engaging, and nearly flawless, like the other two books. And with the others, everyone who reads them continually professes how much they were page turners...people come up to me nearly every day. I get emails, texts, on and on. All I need is an agent and publisher to take a chance on me. I've been at it for a long time, and it's wearing on me. I act like it doesn't get to me, but all of the rejection eats at a person after a while.
Still, I'm a fighter. And I don't know how I'll go forward yet, but I'll go forward with art in some way.
If you haven't picked up GRIFFIN FARM or THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR, now's a great time to support all-original art. Just in time for Christmas...I'd be thrilled if you'd join me on my artistic journey. Pass it on! Word of mouth is my agent. 😍
If you'd like to get on my email list, shoot me a message at camacconnell at gmail dot com. Or you can follow me on Blogger, or you can just bookmark the main page. I'm grateful to YOU for supporting my art. I blog every day, so don't miss out!
Now, sending out love to you and your families. May you have a peaceful day. And always remember to laugh.
C.A. MacConnell