Took this yesterday after work. I kinda dig it for some reason. I've been writing, but I'm keeping it to myself. At the moment, it's too raw for the net. Working on sending some stuff out too...need more time to focus on that, but it'll roll out how it should I suppose.
But I will share a little snippet: "Today, this is what I look like. Some comment and don't like it I guess. Others tell me I’m pretty sometimes. I don’t feel anything at all when they say it, because I have no idea what good “pretty” is. “Pretty” has never saved a life. “Pretty” has never saved my life. I don’t give a fuck about pretty. Now, I want to bury myself with someone in the ugly. Because behind all of that is what’s real. Let’s be ugly together and tear each other and this world apart. Let’s rejoice in it."
C.A. MacConnell