Good morning. <3
C.A. MacConnell
Sometimes I get tired of "growing." I've spent so much time looking at myself, going to therapy, going to 12-step meetings, doing the deal. Of course, life leads to new growth whether I like it or not, it seems...but there's a time to sit back and just be OK with who I am, to not worry, to fuck up and keep going on, to laugh and play.
Where's the course in that? :) There is no "course." It just is what it is, in the moment, and that's when I'm at my best, I believe.
Seems to me that many people, as we get older, need help with remembering to be children, rather than help pressing forward.
Thought for today: "What brings me back to the moment? What brings me real joy? What brings me...and those around me...back to the essence of wonder?" I'm going to focus on these notions today, rather than "working on myself." When my perspective shifts in this way, I become the "lighter me," and ironically, in turn, someone greater.
C.A. MacConnell
a poem from the P.O.V. of the groundhog
From the Groundhog
to tell you the truth today is so much fun yeah I am making my way
across the graveyard
funny bones everywhere all in the way under the grass here
when I dig my way up and have a surprise
a living two-legger comes and makes noises like birds
she makes no sense like birds
I think you call her a girl
she goes by so fast-like and scary
and her face looks wet
so I am laughing and whistling at her because its not even raining
and she isnt swimming or anything
so why shes wet and moving around
I have no idea
doesnt look like shes digging anything
I mean it is hot
but everyone smart knows thats what fur is for
to soak it all up
don't know why she doesnt have fur or even feathers
it is so weird and hilarious
im so glad im not a squirrel
and I am showing all four of my white teeth because she calls me
a little guy
and I for one know that Im one of the larger of the group
Im almost 13 pounds
Joking to tell you the truth I am 14
which is kind of embarrassing
I should only be 12 pounds
I know
but no one cares at all
they burrow all around and pay no attention anyhow
I am 4 years old so I might die whenever and I dont mind
but theres one thing I do get mad about
dont go calling me a woodchuck because thats not nice at all
thats why I cant stand the fish
hey I would stay to listen to the girl with the wet face
but I am busy climbing and I have to practice and to tell you the truth
I like to be by myself all the time
the trees understand me too
they tell me when the leaves move
yeah I like to be alone except for mating time
because its so ridiculous
we all crack up and roll around
and I guess we have to meet up other days
because we are building another tunnel
hey its annoying sometimes you gotta be with the others
whether you like it or not
to make a plan and hide because last year a coyote
took my uncle
and dont even get me started on that skinny wolf
he shouldnt even be around here
but I guess his family kicked him out
maybe I should tell the two-legger
that he needs someone like the fish
and she looks like she needs a friend with fur
because she cracks me up like she is
running around mostly naked except for some loose red and black skins
hanging off her middle looks like it might all fall off in a storm
to tell you the truth
yeah two leggers would be much better off
if they had something to soak up the wet
yeah I have to whistle again
to tell her how big I am
she makes no sense at all like birds
wish me luck funny bones all over under the grass here
-- C.A. MacConnell