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Actually, I wrote the original version of this one back in college, Junior year, when I was living in an apartment with three other girls. That would have been the 1994-5 school year, whoa. I used to play my guitar on the steps outside of that apartment, and I started writing my first songs then. Singers are fun.


Singer, you gave me
The mint. Sure, I was a cowboy
Killer. The den light
Burned pink,
Like raw skin,
Like a room tongue.
I kissed you once, twice, maybe lucky three
Times, telling you to leave
Before the roommates woke up and
Found us
Passed out on the couch again.
Humming, whistling.
That night, the storm
Was wild. Surely, somewhere, horses dashed
Across slippery fields.
Surely, somewhere, wind slid through the
Of a screaming barn.

C.A. MacConnell