Just some of my plane shots. Hope you like them...I think they're kinda playful and yet, kinda eerie at the same time. :) Like me.
Hope you have a good day. I've been resting. Yesterday, I drifted off all day to the ID channel. I really wish Jaws or Rocky would've been on! I love those. I really love The Judge and Drive and Baby Driver and Into the Wild. The Judge and Into the Wild are the only movies that made me baby-weep. But I only watched them once.
Some movies I've watched over and over: Rocky, Jaws, Reality Bites, Singles, Almost Famous, Breakfast Club, Can't Buy Me Love, The Little Things, Waking the Dead. (During the pandemic, I saw The Little Things three times in the theater, and my dad and I are still texting about it. Long, involved texts and hypotheses. The movie is awesome. One of the best crime films I've ever seen -- in terms of acting, story, all the rest, and it even paid homage to the greats in the process. The texts with Dad are hilarious. They usually start out like this: "Yeah, but what about this..." or, "Remember the scene when Sparma..." My favorite thriller: no lie, hands down, Panic Room. Any movie that can terrify you basically using only one room is a winner in my book. Writing and film is at its best when the focus is detailed and small, I believe...that movie always reminds me of that in my own writing...to stay in the moment, stay small. I've learned a great deal from it. <3
Just some musings. I love all kinds of movies, but my tendencies veer toward the "stereotypical male" films, for some reason. I like crime, adventure, mob stuff, thrillers that are terrifying using little gore, and I love a creative, gut-wrenching family drama. And a good car/motorcycle chase! Not a real fan of romance, but I do enjoy them if the dialogue is witty or if the pairing is on fire, as was the case in Waking the Dead. A hidden little gem.
Some movies I've watched over and over: Rocky, Jaws, Reality Bites, Singles, Almost Famous, Breakfast Club, Can't Buy Me Love, The Little Things, Waking the Dead. (During the pandemic, I saw The Little Things three times in the theater, and my dad and I are still texting about it. Long, involved texts and hypotheses. The movie is awesome. One of the best crime films I've ever seen -- in terms of acting, story, all the rest, and it even paid homage to the greats in the process. The texts with Dad are hilarious. They usually start out like this: "Yeah, but what about this..." or, "Remember the scene when Sparma..." My favorite thriller: no lie, hands down, Panic Room. Any movie that can terrify you basically using only one room is a winner in my book. Writing and film is at its best when the focus is detailed and small, I believe...that movie always reminds me of that in my own writing...to stay in the moment, stay small. I've learned a great deal from it. <3
Just some musings. I love all kinds of movies, but my tendencies veer toward the "stereotypical male" films, for some reason. I like crime, adventure, mob stuff, thrillers that are terrifying using little gore, and I love a creative, gut-wrenching family drama. And a good car/motorcycle chase! Not a real fan of romance, but I do enjoy them if the dialogue is witty or if the pairing is on fire, as was the case in Waking the Dead. A hidden little gem.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
C.A. MacConnell