Well, Look at You
Today, I was in line at the "self-checkout" at the grocery, which is where I always go, because I must, I must fill my bags a certain way. Anyway, at first, there weren't any checkout stations available, so I waited at the front of the "robotish self-checkout" in that space that's really part of the grocery aisle. I'm sure most shoppers know the feeling. When I stand there, random shoppers try to come through, and usually one or two appear with the "kid car-cart," and they barrel on in, and I'm totally in the way. Every time.
Yes, in the way, I scanned the stations. Still nothing open.
But when I looked at the station directly to the right, I saw a short-haired, thin woman slowly checking out, filling up her bags, pressing the buttons on the screen, heading for the credit card machine. Her movements were slow, jerky, slow. And by her side, stretched out on the floor, looking regal, there was a tan, medium-sized, pointy-eared, beautiful service dog. He wore a crimson coat with a tag that read, "Ask to pet me. I'm friendly."
To the dog, I said, "Well, look at you. You're so beautiful."
Then the dog turned his head and looked at me through incredibly soulful, black eyes, and he rose up. Ever so gently, he began to approach me.
So I asked the woman, "Can I pet him while he's working?"
She smiled wide and said, "Yes, you can."
The dog came closer, and he rubbed his nose on my leg. Then he looked at me again as if to say, "Go ahead, touch me. But only you."
So I did. I told him I loved him. I could have stayed there all day.
Now, what I didn't realize was that while all of this spiritual dog energy was going on, several checkout stations had become open, and the line was growing and growing behind me. I didn't care. I was having a moment -- a silent connection with this dog -- and it meant the world to me.
But just then, the woman behind me angrily asked, "Are you going to check out?"
With that, I jumped, rolled my cart forward, and the dog seemed to smile, heading back to his owner's side. I looked back at the line, whispered, "Sorry," and moved to an open station. Indeed, I knew I was caught up. See, the past two days had been rough, and for that minute, when I was connecting with the dog, I forgot about my restless mind. I forgot that I was at the grocery. Indeed, I lost all sense of time and place. All that mattered was the innocent creature in front of me...and the love coming from his eyes. He was so incredibly gentle and kind with me.
And I thought, Hey, world, that is God.
All the way home, I felt the connection stay with me. See, ever since I was a little girl, I've often connected more with animals than with humans. And some particular animals strike me more than others, just as some people hit my heart harder than others. All creatures have their awesome personalities, their trials, triumphs, and quirks. And all are so unique. And yet each and every being understands the language of love. Truly, the Spirit of the Universe speaks to me through the eyes of so many creatures.
Well, look at you. You're so beautiful.
C.A. MacConnell