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Rad. Pictures of Main and Bradley, two places I frequented at Hollins University. Without Hollins, I wouldn't be where I am today, for sure. The first draft of THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR was completed here, way back when. Of course it's been altered drastically over the years, but I workshopped it heavily here. I <3 Hollins. What a wonderful school.

Hope to see you at the signing! It's tomorrow -- Main Cup, Milford, OH, 5pm. For more info, see Featured Post.

I'm stoked. I'm getting groomed and shaving my beard as we speak.

I'll be scantily clad in an Anchor bikini, a thong that shows my rock hard ass.

Sheeit, I may wear a dress, which is a one in a million thing, so be prepared for that miracle.

Someone said this to me the other day:  "You're like a boy." Um, if a "boy" is a warrior, then fuck yeah. I'm a boy. Whatever. It's confusing. Which is why I need to find a man who dresses like a woman for a partner, I suppose. Tootsie?

I do try to lube up and look nice sometimes, indeed. I will try tomorrow. :) Just for you all. Most of the time, I think this:  who gives a fuck? Dayum, we're all just goofball spirits with skin on. Who cares.

I'm cracking up as I write this, yo.
Love to you.
Hope to see you there!!!!

C.A. MacConnell