Mariemont, OH
Hey, everyone. Hows it going? THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR, my 2017 novel, is on fire! Not literally, thank god. But people are sure digging it. The other day, someone sent me a three-page text of interpretation. I was so surprised, but I loved it. So glad people are digging in and getting something out of my work. It's the kind of book that can be read as a fast-paced story, but it's also the kind that can be taken to the depths, for sure. I planned it that way.
Buried within it, there are many secrets.
Above all, it'll take you to another world.
Also, because of book purchases, I've been able to give a steady amount of donations to The Prospect House, which is rad. Let's keep it going, eh? The plan was to give a portion of the proceeds to Prospect through the end of July. However, the new plan is to give a portion of the proceeds for a longer time.
That's right, I'm going to give a percentage to Prospect for as long as the book's in print. You know, forever.
Thank you so much for supporting my art. Truly grateful. I'll post some new stuff on here soon. Been busy with other writing. Hope you are well. Hope you feel loved.
C.A. MacConnell