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Spider Monsoon

The Architect

Spider Monsoon

The other day, whistling away (figuratively speaking, as I'm a terrible whistler), I went hiking in the woods, and I'm accustomed to seeing some spiders, but instead of the usual web here and there, there was an actual spider takeover. Not sure what happened in the forest -- maybe some kind of hierarchy shift -- but the spiders seemed to be wholly in charge. On every path, I noticed (and felt) a thick coat of spider webs. Big, impressive ones too. Indeed, a spider monsoon. The creatures were large, too, like this guy, and some were bigger. Don't think I've ever seen so many at once. Not sure what kind of architect/dinner seeking/web party was going on, but it made me chuckle, and it definitely humbled me.

After getting covered with webs and creatures (literally head to toe), I had an eerie thought:  poisonous? Bites? For a while, I kept going, but then I felt outnumbered and defeated, so I decided to make my getaway and stick to the road path. Plus, I felt guilty about destroying their intricate designs. Awesome traps, actually. Beautiful. I told them as much. Well, you win. You've caught me, I thought, grinning. I'm sure some god was up there, out there, cracking up.

Usually, I dig spiders; they don't bother me at all, but let me say this:  when I was covered in a weird rain shower of webs and spiders, and I felt them all over (down the shirt, under the hat, in the shorts, you name it), I had a little different reaction. It's that age-old idea of "everything in moderation." But here's the amazing thing -- I came out of this hike without one...single...bite.

Maybe they're out building and stocking up on food because fall's coming...they seem to come out in droves when the weather changes? The leaves are already turning and falling. Looks like it may be a long winter. Time to make a trip to Roanoke and hit the App Trail. :) It's so gorgeous in the fall.

Today's truth:  Everything in moderation. Also, if you build it, he will come. Not sure who "he" is, but I hope it's not an entire baseball team. I have a small place and a few frozen dinners, so I'm not sure I'm equipped for Field of Dreams. Still, I hope someone shows up someday. Besides the mail guy. Although, at this point, he's looking mighty attractive.

C.A. MacConnell