I suppose I could call this "home." But home is wherever I am in the moment. Yesterday, I had a blast playing jokes on people in grocery stores. I can have fun anywhere. This isn't my usual shot choice...I prefer more detailed shots, but many really love this kind. I prefer attention to detail :) And strangeness, but that's just me.
Trust yourself. :)XO. Good morning. With all of the outside influences, it's hard to trust the self sometimes...but it's rewarding, getting to know myself and allowing "me" to shine. Sometimes I'm wrong.
Have a great day. Love to you, C.A. MacConnell.
P.S. NOVELS: Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOW! I guarantee you'll never forget the ride! On the way to number ONE! Help me get there! Creative, fast-paced, unique, and gripping. Full of heart, real. I independently handle everything -- the creation, writing, editing, and interior/exterior design. Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. You name it; I can do it. <3, C.A.
P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB: C.A. MacConnell or Email: right here.