These are film shots that I captured in Cleveland. I like the simplicity, and the suggestion of feeling. Also, reminds me of an old-time, mini slide show. Power in the small stuff. My little niche. Most people like grand landscape shots...or amazing animal captures. I'm a little different with my taste when I shoot, although I like to observe those kinds of shots as well.
Good morning. I hope you have a good day. What comes to mind? "Be in this world but not of it." Not sure why that just entered my brain, but it helps me step outside of myself for a moment and recenter. Maybe this will help you too. :) XO.
Love to you, C.A. MacConnell.
If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3
P.S. NOVELS: Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOW! Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. You name it; I can do it.
P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB: C.A. MacConnell or Email: right here.