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Two days ago, I was walking and grieving, and the feelings come and go, often primal at times, although less lately...but that day, I felt it hard and soon, I saw one deer, and she drew close and comforted me. Startled, I thought it was a coincidence and then, as I walked, about a half mile away, I saw another deer, and she drew close and comforted me as well. Then I saw a ground hog, and those little guys always make me chuckle and smile. And suddenly, I knew in my heart that the universe was offering loving support, and that the message was this: be gentle, be kind toward yourself. I knew that all of nature -- the animals, the trees, the clouds, the wind, the sky -- could somehow hear me. Call it a presence, call it God, call it what you will, but I knew.

Often, I've had such miracles happen with nature, and these reminders often come at moments when I need it the most.

All at once, I felt honored. I felt calm.

C.A. MacConnell